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I need to make a decision — Gideros Forum

I need to make a decision

tytadastytadas Member
edited May 2017 in General questions
Well, I'm like always asking non sense questions, but it's really important to me..

I need to know which Lua book edition should I buy.. What that means is, I'm having a bit problem with closures, metatables, metamethods and functions.. Maybe you guys know which book edition represents these topics the best?


Thanks, every opinion matters!


  • stetsostetso Member
    Accepted Answer
    Hi, I dont think I can help you make a decision directly but will say this: you are probavly aware that the first edition of the Programming in Lua book is available online for free here. I am not sure how much changed since then but I look up stuff from time to time and never had any problems. Additionally, I encounter the lua-users wiki from time to time when googling and some pages were very helpful (e.g. this one on oop with closures .
    Also, if you have some specific or even general questions, you can also post them here. It seems there are some Lua-gurus around that can help.
    Another hint: for a more high-level overview is the learnxinyminutes site. I like to check it out from time to time as a reference here. The Lua tutorial is available in various languages as well.
    But if you really want to buy a book and your questions are related to Gideros: it uses Lua 5.1 if I am not mistaken.
    Just my ideas, I do not know the difference about the books so I cant help out there, sorry!

    Likes: tytadas

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  • SinisterSoftSinisterSoft Maintainer
    edited May 2017 Accepted Answer
    Yes, get a book that covers Lua 5.1, not 5.2 or 5.3. :)

    Also don't forget that we basically have Lua 5.1+, with added bitwise operators and more!

    Likes: tytadas, antix

    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
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