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Looking for team to adapt Corona retrogame remake previously on App Store — Gideros Forum

Looking for team to adapt Corona retrogame remake previously on App Store

Unknown Member
edited March 2014 in Building a team?
Hello all, my name is Lionel Houde. I spent a few months making a graphic version of Joey Latimer's Monster in the Marsh BASIC program, with a few custom additions like a power-up store. I had it approved the first time around but made the mistake of not making it free to play.

I have all the Corona SDK code, sound files, and iPhone 4-size assets. There's nothing especially difficult in the code; the most complex aspects involve Twitter use, where the player tweets about the game to get a free rock for sounding out the marsh. Everything else is simple (but pretty entertaining) math and scorekeeping. With line spacing the game screen is 1153 lines of code, but everything is documented in each function of the game.

I would like to see if I could form a small team - one graphic designer, one code adapter - to remake the game according to current App Store standards. I could pay $99 if another developer used his account to upload a completed, bug-free game and offer a 20%-20%-10% split of all ad revenues, taking 10% myself. I have an agreement with Joey Latimer for the remaining 50%.

Please contact me if you would be interested. I know it's a performance-based payment system, but a good team can rework this game in under a month and keep earning residuals for years. Hope to hear from you, both with intents to collaborate and constructive criticism on how I could better assemble a team.

Thank you for your time,



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