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How to earn $1000 on game/app before release? — Gideros Forum

How to earn $1000 on game/app before release?

PiotrPiotr Member
edited February 2013 in Marketplace
Hi fellow Gideros programmers.

As we all know creating games is great fun but sometimes you are left with ton of great stuff you can't use in your final product. Classes, templates, images, sounds etc.

What then?
Should it be forgotten on my hard drive? Hell NO!
Maybe i can share it with community and get some cash? YES!!

But how? Well you can setup your own PayPal store like one of our friends and the creator of McPixel game. It takes couple of days of work, coding, testing, and you need your own website. Been there done that. Pain in the ass trust me.


Go with Sellbox You can save ton of time and do it in under 60 seconds with Sellbox by simply sharing a link. You only need Dropbox because Sellbox allows you to seamlesly sell any of your files you backup there.

3 simple steps: SignUp/LogIn with Dropbox => Choose a file => Set the price and image preview and thats it!

Now share short link and get the money instantly on your PayPal account when somebody buys it.
We also support donations and „pay as you want” so you can share your work for minimum price (or even free) and collect donations if somebody decides to support you.

Some of you have already done that: http://sbx.sk/A6eR so why not you?

Thats it. You can start in 30 seconds so go now and join Sellbox


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