can we have an Application:getWindowSize? (i want to get it so that i can set the same when i quit fullscreen as it seems to reset the size to the initial window size).
btw shouldn't it be the default behaviour of setFullScreen(false) to recover the last screen size before going to fullscreen?
Yes that's what should happen in theory, but for some reason it doesn't work. If you want to do it at lua level, maybe listening to APPLICATION_RESIZE events could help ?
thanks, now setFullSceen does not crash anymore. very good.
can we have an Application:getWindowSize? (i want to get it so that i can set the same when i quit fullscreen as it seems to reset the size to the initial window size).
btw shouldn't it be the default behaviour of setFullScreen(false) to recover the last screen size before going to fullscreen?
some issues: editor is lagging a lot, it is unbearable to use it. even if i turn off type and syntax checking its the same.
gdrdaemon seems to work differently, and so zerobrane studio after running the player once and stopping it, cannot run it again (player opens and closes itself right afterwards). i have to try it and then kill gdrdaemon manually so that it works again. it is quite annoying as it has to be done all the time (and for the above lagging reason using the studio is not really an option).
btw one more feature of zbs that i like a lot is the 'correct indentation' thingy, which is missing from gideros studio.
about the wintabdriver, thank you @hgy29, works perfect, it is much more trustable than windows ink when using a wacom tablet. however there is a bug when setting it: when i turn on/off the wintabdriver using the pen (clicking on a checkbox in imgui) then if in wacom settings 'windows ink' is off then after a few on/off switches the touch input completely goes away for some reason. app still runs, responds to keys, but does not respond to mouse/pen, it seems that these events do not happen.
can we have an Application:getWindowSize? (i want to get it so that i can set the same when i quit fullscreen as it seems to reset the size to the initial window size).
btw shouldn't it be the default behaviour of setFullScreen(false) to recover the last screen size before going to fullscreen?
Yes that's what should happen in theory, but for some reason it doesn't work. If you want to do it at lua level, maybe listening to APPLICATION_RESIZE events could help ?
will check. ty
actually it does work, i was stupid (i had two placed in my code about setting fullscreen and i've had a fixed size setting in one of them left). thanks
@hito9 Thanks for the that updated dataSaver Gideros class. My dataSaver code was very old indeed and broken inside latest release of Gideros. All tested good now and works great in my test app. Been away from Gideros for about a year or two myself.
Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
@MobAmuse welcome back jedi master, it's nice to see you again and thank you for your useful dataSaver implementation
@hgy29 and Gideros developers, contributors thanks to you again. Gideros Luau version is getting better.
I want to report a few issues.
2022.1.2 the Studio and the Player have connected after clicking "Localhost Toggle(Ctrl+P)" again. It's not important, I just use Gideros Studio to export a project on wine cos the Linux Build is not enough when it comes to export.
I think there is a repetitive bug when you start the Sutio and the Player. This may be related to focusing between the Studio and the Scintilla. Steps: copy a line with the mouse --> press Enter key for a new line --> paste with Ctrl+v --> run the example with Ctrl+r When you back to Scintilla editor area and click to multiple line positions you will see locked editing and multiple cursors blinking. The Library tree file selections have multiple focus. Use an another shortcut to fix/edit this temporarily(like Ctrl+Shift+x). After that it's hard to repeat this issue.
EDIT: Studio/Scintilla is blocked especially after Ctrl + R shortcut.
Bird Animation 3D example The background image overlays on right playfiled with "background:setZ(-1)" line . Can you confirm and how do we fix this example?
@rrraptor other jedi master, I am generally learning a lot from examples. How do i change these lines below to run your projects? Btw lots of your imgui examples work great.
GParticles example -> init.lua -> line2 local PATH = (...):gsub('%.[^%.]+$', '')
Blurred Shape example -> GShape.lua local _PACKAGE = (...):match("(.-)([^\\/]-%.?([^%.\\/]*))$")
&(ampersand) replacements etc.
elves said: There's a slight flickering on the Outline panel in Studio
Same with the default studio theme on wine. After changing with any dark theme, The outline panel seems normal.
@rrraptor other jedi master, I am generally learning a lot from examples. How do i change these lines below to run your projects? Btw lots of your imgui examples work great.
GParticles example -> init.lua -> line2 local PATH = (...):gsub('%.[^%.]+$', '')
Blurred Shape example -> GShape.lua local _PACKAGE = (...):match("(.-)([^\\/]-%.?([^%.\\/]*))$")
GParticles project updated. Note that I added modified version of "require" in "init.lua". EDIT: blur example updated, but it does not work properly on my PC with embedded GPU.
some feedback if I may: - auto-completion doesn't work for custom variables
For example self.myvar = "xxx" self.myv... autocompletion doesn't work
This one is also important imho
Yes, I know, basically autocompletion was handled by QScintilla, original scintilla only provides the framework. I'll try to fix that, but I didn't felt it was important...
I commited a patch for autocompletion: the studio will now gather identifiers from the code (if code checking is enabled), and propose them in autocompletion
I think there is a repetitive bug when you start the Sutio and the Player. This may be related to focusing between the Studio and the Scintilla. Steps: copy a line with the mouse --> press Enter key for a new line --> paste with Ctrl+v --> run the example with Ctrl+r When you back to Scintilla editor area and click to multiple line positions you will see locked editing and multiple cursors blinking. The Library tree file selections have multiple focus. Use an another shortcut to fix/edit this temporarily(like Ctrl+Shift+x). After that it's hard to repeat this issue.
EDIT: Studio/Scintilla is blocked especially after Ctrl + R shortcut.
some issues: editor is lagging a lot, it is unbearable to use it. even if i turn off type and syntax checking its the same.
gdrdaemon seems to work differently, and so zerobrane studio after running the player once and stopping it, cannot run it again (player opens and closes itself right afterwards). i have to try it and then kill gdrdaemon manually so that it works again. it is quite annoying as it has to be done all the time (and for the above lagging reason using the studio is not really an option).
btw one more feature of zbs that i like a lot is the 'correct indentation' thingy, which is missing from gideros studio.
let me 'up' this one, it can be lost easily among the other things. the lagging concerns everybody i think, the indentation also, the rest mostly only people wanting to keep zerobrane studio as an ide.
Bird Animation 3D example The background image overlays on right playfiled with "background:setZ(-1)" line . Can you confirm and how do we fix this example?
What are the changes in Luau, requiring a lua_file and folder/subfolder/any_lua_file.lua approach?
You need to mark the require()-ed files as --!NOEXEC, because by default Gideros merges all files in a single one and execute them all. So basically require is not needed in Gideros if the files are already in the project.
EDIT: You can also try to enable the 'load Main.mua only' option in the project settings, as it disable files loading and merging and only run main.lua
What are the changes in Luau, requiring a lua_file and folder/subfolder/any_lua_file.lua approach?
You need to mark the require()-ed files as --!NOEXEC, because by default Gideros merges all files in a single one and execute them all. So basically require is not needed in Gideros if the files are already in the project.
EDIT: You can also try to enable the 'load Main.mua only' option in the project settings, as it disable files loading and merging and only run main.lua
setting to do not execute in the project properties of that file is good as well?
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
- html5 working great
- auto-completion doesn't work for custom variables
- code wrapping is a bit messed up too
We are close to perfection with this new gideros update, thank you for the super hard work people.
Viva Gideros
Likes: SinisterSoft, hito9
editor is lagging a lot, it is unbearable to use it. even if i turn off type and syntax checking its the same.
gdrdaemon seems to work differently, and so zerobrane studio after running the player once and stopping it, cannot run it again (player opens and closes itself right afterwards). i have to try it and then kill gdrdaemon manually so that it works again. it is quite annoying as it has to be done all the time (and for the above lagging reason using the studio is not really an option).
btw one more feature of zbs that i like a lot is the 'correct indentation' thingy, which is missing from gideros studio.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
however there is a bug when setting it:
when i turn on/off the wintabdriver using the pen (clicking on a checkbox in imgui) then if in wacom settings 'windows ink' is off then after a few on/off switches the touch input completely goes away for some reason. app still runs, responds to keys, but does not respond to mouse/pen, it seems that these events do not happen.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
"Template source not found:All Plugins/spout/bin/MacOSX"
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: MoKaLux, SinisterSoft, hito9
Likes: MobAmuse
Likes: keszegh
@MobAmuse welcome back
thank you for your useful dataSaver implementation
@hgy29 and Gideros developers, contributors thanks to you again.
Gideros Luau version is getting better.
I want to report a few issues.
This may be related to focusing between the Studio and the Scintilla.
Steps: copy a line with the mouse --> press Enter key for a new line --> paste
with Ctrl+v --> run the example with Ctrl+r
When you back to Scintilla editor area and click to multiple line positions
you will see locked editing and multiple cursors blinking. The Library tree
file selections have multiple focus. Use an another shortcut to fix/edit this
temporarily(like Ctrl+Shift+x). After that it's hard to repeat this issue.
EDIT: Studio/Scintilla is blocked especially after Ctrl + R shortcut.
The background image overlays on right playfiled with "background:setZ(-1)" line .
Can you confirm and how do we fix this example?
Requiring the plugin is ok but initializing object gives error.
What are the changes in Luau, requiring a lua_file and folder/subfolder/any_lua_file.lua approach?
GParticles example -> init.lua -> line2
local PATH = (...):gsub('%.[^%.]+$', '')
Blurred Shape example -> GShape.lua
local _PACKAGE = (...):match("(.-)([^\\/]-%.?([^%.\\/]*))$")
&(ampersand) replacements etc.
Same with the default studio theme on wine. After changing with any dark theme,
The outline panel seems normal.
Likes: MobAmuse
can be
EDIT: blur example updated, but it does not work properly on my PC with embedded GPU.
@hgy29 code folding even more broken now
Likes: MoKaLux, hito9
Likes: MoKaLux, hito9
Likes: MoKaLux
self.myvar = "xxx" self.myv... autocompletion doesn't work
local params = {}
params.myvarx = "xxx" params.myv... autocompletion doesn't work
This one is also important imho
Likes: keszegh
Likes: MoKaLux
Likes: MoKaLux
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: MoKaLux, hito9
EDIT: You can also try to enable the 'load Main.mua only' option in the project settings, as it disable files loading and merging and only run main.lua
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: keszegh