I've been working on this one a long time. It's by far the most ambitious thing I've done with Gideros, though it looks deceptively simple at least at the low levels.

Links and the demo video are on www.basstourneychallenger.com
Thanks to everyone who's answered my questions on the forum, and especially to
@hgy29 for quick answers, quick fixes, and all the added support for 3D. That made it possible for this game to use a ton of models I'd made in the past, and to have the game use models, including animated ones, drawn to render targets to build 2D sprites for use in real-time for performance. If like me, you're no great artist, but you can make or get 3D models for the characters and objects you want to use in your game, I highly recommend that method. If there's interest I'll make a demo project for using 3D assets for 2D graphics.
- on the screen Welcome to Bass Tourney Challenger, there is a double "and" at equipment and and unlock more features
- it runs butterly smooth on my old samsung S5!!!!!!!!!
- I qualified for the tournaments
- won the first tournament
- rated 5* on googleplay
- very very nice gameplay and overhaul
And thanks for your support!
Likes: MoKaLux
Likes: MoKaLux, SinisterSoft
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: SinisterSoft