how are you all doing?
I just had this question in my head
In love2d you have:
- love.load
- love.draw
- love.update
- love.keypressed
Each "functions" has its own goal.
Do you think it would be good practice to do the same in gideros?
- gideros.init
- gideros draw (
n/a ?)
- gideros.ENTER_FRAME
- gideros KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN
For now what I do is set a flag to true/false when a key is pressed/released and in ENTER_FRAME I check for the key flag to do some actions.
Would it be better to do it in KEY_DOWN/KEY_UP, or does it even matter
Thank you
Gideros has an Event.KEY_UP event, what's stopping you from using it to receive a button click?
Likes: MoKaLux
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game