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Cross-platform code Android,UWP.. — Gideros Forum

Cross-platform code Android,UWP..

olegoleg Member
edited July 2020 in Forum talk
I started transferring my old android games to the UWP platform
And encountered that in fact the Gideros code is not cross-platform

UWP does not support:
(SoundChannel) = Sound:play(nil,true)
UWP supports:
(SoundChannel) = Sound:play()
To make it easier for game developers to work, you need to document the differences in code for different platforms.

Also I found out earlier that UWP does not support shaders

Write here what functions of gideros and what platforms - are not supported, and what are analogs of functions for various platforms.

my games:
мій блог по гідерос https://simartinfo.blogspot.com
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