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New tutorials idea — Gideros Forum

New tutorials idea

Hi all,

At this time I am redesigning my website and I was planning to add new content (since it is a long time that it is practically stopped).

My idea would be to create a series of articles about gideros where I show how to implement a precise clone of a classic video game. I would like to start from the usual pacman, which is not too complex, but neither too trivial.

From there I will see, but at the moment I am only looking for encouragement. :smiley:

What do you think about that guys?

Thank you,
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  • tetnic said:

    What do you think about that guys?

    I think that's totally cool and awesome B)

    Likes: LostVGM

    > Newcomers roadmap: from where to start learning Gideros
    "What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
    “The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
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  • Great idea. :)
    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
  • we need gideros youtube tuts as well. That would be awesome.
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
  • olegoleg Member
    To avoid problems with copyright holders - it is better not to make an exact clone of a particular game.

    It is better to make a collective image of the game within a specific genre.
    Copy the game mechanics.
    Do not copy - design of characters and name

    Likes: MoKaLux

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  • @MoKaLux yes youtube tutorials will be awesome, but I will have some troubles with the spoken part of it.

    @oleg yes... unfortunately you are right. I think that no one will care, and complain, about an open-source no-profit clone of some game, but keeping away from legal actions it is the best thing to do.

    I'll take some time to think about this

    Likes: MoKaLux

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  • olegoleg Member
    edited August 2019
    tetnic said:

    @oleg yes... unfortunately you are right. I think that no one will care, and complain, about an open-source no-profit clone of some game, but keeping away from legal actions it is the best thing to do.

    I'll take some time to think about this

    I had a case where I was criminally charged: on request, the State Security Service 'for plagiarism' ;)
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  • I really don't think that yet another pacman clone is going to cause any legal issues, especially if it's presented as a learning thing as opposed to a commercial product that you would financially gain from. But thanks @oleg for the reminder about copyrighted stuff :)

    In case you haven't come across it before, the Pac-Man Dossier is a fantastic resource for all things Pac-Man.

    I'd also like to recommend if you are going to create this tutorial then maybe use...
    Tiled - Make the map in this and use the TileMap class to render it. Even though there is only one map in Pac-Man it is good to expose new users to the tools and classes they should be using.
    TexturePack - Dump all the textures into one of these as it's the most efficient way and yes.. we should all use them ;)
    cbump - Bump collision is the best thing for AABB collision in Gideros and again, it's what people should be using.
    A* - Use some a* pathfinding for the ghosts as that is also something we should all be using. I'm hoping one tday that Gideros gets a native pathfinding plugin.

    I'm always open top assist if you need any help with anything :)
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  • Oh yeah... if you are going to include music in the remake then here's a link to a little Pac-Man style tune I came across the other day on Newgrounds.com whilst looking for music for one of my projects. All that's required is attribution and I thought it was quite a nifty little tune.
  • olegoleg Member
    antix said:

    I really don't think that yet another pacman clone is going to cause any legal issues,

    I was talking about modern games where there are characters and a well-known brand.

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  • @antix thank you sincerely for your extremely valuable suggestions. :smile: :smiley:

    I didn't know the existence of that dossier, and the style tune is great!

    I'll try to do my best and I'll take you all updated about the work also for help and other hints.
  • Being a complete newbie with Gideros after spending a lot of investigation with a couple of other frameworks (and one had a example of a Pacman like game with source), I would welcome another tutorial. Just can’t have enough of them. The API reference is good for what a method is and what arguments are required and what they do, but without a use case to go along with it, for a newbie, it is sometimes hard to see what the proper way the designers thought it would be used. The variety of ways people use certain methods helps the learning and imagination process for developers.
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  • olegoleg Member
    Personally, the full game source code for me is of no use, it is difficult to understand someone else's code.

    For me more useful short examples of code for the necessary game features.

    Likes: MoKaLux

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  • Yep, you are right.

    In fact my initial vision is a series of tutorials that follows the construction of that game step-by-step covering also some brief concept about its architecture.

    Introducing, where possible new concepts related to the "mobile" and "social" aspects.

  • Doing pacman would be a great idea, like you said, not too easy, not too hard...
    I'm a noob so i would really aprecciate it sooo much :)
    antix said:

    I'd also like to recommend if you are going to create this tutorial then maybe use...
    Tiled - Make the map in this and use the TileMap class to render it. Even though there is only one map in Pac-Man it is good to expose new users to the tools and classes they should be using.
    TexturePack - Dump all the textures into one of these as it's the most efficient way and yes.. we should all use them ;)
    cbump - Bump collision is the best thing for AABB collision in Gideros and again, it's what people should be using.
    A* - Use some a* pathfinding for the ghosts as that is also something we should all be using. I'm hoping one tday that Gideros gets a native pathfinding plugin.

    Also that^ would be great :P

    PD: what's your web?? do you have any other tutorials?
  • tetnictetnic Member
    edited August 2019
    @LostVGM unfortunately my website I'm working on a complete rebuild of my website, and it's not online at the moment.

    If you don't know yet you can refer to this, where you can find a lot of organized info:


    Likes: plicatibu

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  • Hello guys,

    sorry for my long absence. I was super busy redesigning my site. After almost a month of hard work I finally made it !!!

    www.mauropesci.info is online again ...

    The time has come to start with the series of articles I was talking about. I still don't know how to organize the thread, but I want to create something that is customizable and publishable on the stores.

    I also have other projects in the lead and little time available, but I will soon start sharing something.

    PS ... if you want to take a ride on my site: www.infodreams.it or www.mauropesci.info

    It's nothing special, but it's mine :#
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  • MoKaLuxMoKaLux Member
    edited October 2019 Accepted Answer
    @tetnic from your website:
    These experiences allowed me to deepen my knowledge of Game Maker 6 and its more advanced features. I therefore learned to overcome its limitations, through the creation of DLLs in C language.

    Since Game Maker was born as an editor for creating 2D video games, it offered very limited support for 3D graphics. At the same time I wanted to take advantage of my OpenGL skills and created a library that bridged the two worlds.
    I am looking forward to your gideros tutorials and experiments. A warm welcome from me :).

    Likes: tetnic

    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
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  • MoKaLuxMoKaLux Member
    Accepted Answer
    your site looks amazing, congrats. Your CV... very nice too :smile:
    Your site is so cool that you may want to correct this typo on your CV page:
    January, 2000 – March, 2000
    • Construction of small software solutions in Visual Basic. (Windows 98, Visual
      Basic 6, Microsoft Access)
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
  • olegoleg Member
    Accepted Answer
    @tetnic Try to complete your snake game ;)

    Likes: tetnic

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  • Thank you @MoKaLux and @oleg. :)

    Thank you for your encouragement and advice on the site. @oleg the game you reported to me is really cool! It's yours? I will certainly consider developing my game.
  • tetnic said:

    @oleg the game you reported to me is really cool! It's yours? I will certainly consider developing my game.

    This is not my game, i just think that the game has some interesting ideas for your snake game ..

    Likes: tetnic

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