i wanted to assign an event to ctrl+shift+tab, but when ctrl and shift are both pressed then tab sends a keycode 0 instead of 9. i've noticed that shift is causing the trouble, that is, when shift is pressed then pressing some other keys does not send the right keycode. in particular shift+tab and shift+` do not work, but there may be other keys too with this issue.
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i still think it is a bug that having shift pressed some keys do not fire proper keyCode and i even find it unintuitive that the same keys fire a different realCode when shift is pressed.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
QT codes are: http://www.qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qt.html#Key-enum
What is needed is adding more entries to map the real code QT sends for Carl+Shift+Tab to keyCode for Tab...
Likes: oleg
So, it must be this values or its combinations?
GINPUT_KEY_1 = 0x31
Qt::Key_1 which is 0x31 aswell
Modified version
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
So we need to know exact code for a key (on each platform) in order to add it to gideros? Does not seems to be realy hard
My point is that we need more options to KeyCode.
This keys dont have their keyCodes in gideros:
Thats a "few"
Likes: MoKaLux
i noticed that SHIFT+",/<" key has different realCode compared to ",/<" key, the same goes for the "./>" key.
reading back the last few messages, should it be the case that SHIFT does not modify the realCode or keyCode? or only for the keyCode? (the keyCodes are 0's always for these keys)
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
so perhaps what i wish for is keyCodes for these two keys (And any other key on a normal keyboard that does not have a keyCode yet).
in any case it is easy to workaround, just i needed a few minutes to realize why my initial code does not work (especially that with ctrl+<> and alt+<> i did not have such an issue).
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
KeyCode.PAGEDOWN and KeyCode.PAGEUP do not exist
but KeyCode.PAGE_DOWN and KeyCode.PAGE_UP seem to do exist.
Likes: MoKaLux
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game