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Consumer beware - no support/refund — Gideros Forum

Consumer beware - no support/refund

ArtLeeAppsArtLeeApps Member
edited January 2014 in Relax cafe
Hi all,

I recently bought an app from Google
(As ive watched the entire series of stargate.)

Cost me $5.49.

Playing the game it crashes everytime at the same place so i cant progress.
so i emailed for support/advice or even a refund (not big, but just the principle of the thing.)

well the support email Bounced back! no know address. (support@arkalisinteractive.com)
so i searched for the company. found the website (http://www.arkalisinteractive.com/) But that is no longer active.

I found a facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Arkalis-Interactive/317988974933682?ref=stream&hc_location=stream)

That is still active. with comment like. (they closed, bankrupt... etc. and other saying they tried for refunds cos the game crashed.)

1) If they are bankrupt who is getting our money.
2) why are they allowed to take the money, offer contact info that isnt active.
3) would/should Google take games like this off ?



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