Sorry to bring this up again but, honestly, the lack of masking and clipping is a major drawback with Gideros. I can't stress how difficult it makes doing some things and, as Shape won't take a texture region only a complete texture, it's inefficient to use this for the clipping of single images although it's really the only option so it's what I'm having to do.
Really, this needs to be sorted sooner rather than later. I'm having to load in multiple textures that I can't pack into a single texture because of these limitations and, even then, I'm having to limit what I can actually do because I can't clip the visible area of a sprite or mask it.
Without it it makes simple things incredibly difficult. So please
@atilim when will we finally be getting these features?
+1 for masking & clipping. I understand your frustration @moopf but I can see from @atilim's point of view that implementing OpenGLES 2.0 first will allow easier implementation of these features.
Especially as the use of shaders will make this job so much easier. I'm fairly sure that a 1 bit per pixel image could be used as a mask and easily implemented with the use of shaders.
This is the reason I'm quite happy to wait for OpenGLES 2.0 before I start coding apps that require this level of image manipulation. But I'm with you in that I would rather see these features sooner rather than later
Likes: hgvyas123
As for OpenGLES 2.0, I think the problem here is that it's taking so long, the much needed features of Gideros aren't coming. I'm as keen as anybody for the move to 2.0 but in the meantime Gideros really does lack some needed functionality in areas and we're given no clue as to when they might arrive (or 2.0 for that matter).
Likes: Platypus
It may be very difficult to apply a TextureRegion to a Shape as when I first encountered Gideros, TextureRegion wasn't fully implemented, There was no Bitmap:setTextureRegion and now it may be really difficult to implement for shape without having to re-write the TexturePack features which may in turn break something else.
Also maybe the functionality you require hasn't been requested as much as some of the other features so it falls down the list behind bug fixes & more urgent requests.
I do understand your frustration but as Gideros Studio is still being developed I'm sure we will all eventually get the features we want implemented.
"And about rough time estimations, I cannot say anything. I'll release when it's finished."
On this thread:
That doesn't sound like any day now to me.
Likes: OZApps, SinisterSoft
Great news! This will likely speed the adoption of the Gideros. I know a number of people who have been keeping from switching because they couldn't use shaders. I can also move another customer over to Gideros as we had to use another framework for the same reasons.
Any news on the Tech previous for 2.0?
Likes: SinisterSoft
I really need masking and clipping so that I can make a proper UI. I have done all I can with layering and it just isn't a viable option.
Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour.
She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
Is there any chance that the lack of clipping in Gideros could be worked upon as part of targetting WP8 and other platforms ?
I am working on an open street map renderer in pure gideros lua where clipping would have been handy.
I guess I can use RenderTarget as a work around for now, but I am pretty sure it won't be as efficient as the clipping method...
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
meanwhile you can simplify the clipping process by using the class from the end of my tutorial:
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
However, I've worked around my original problem by computing TextureRegion, effectively clipping my map tiles.
I now have a beautiful OpenStreetMap renderer in Gideros/lua!
Likes: SinisterSoft
Make sure you allocate the texture sizes at the beginning of your code and turn off the scaling beforehand, turn it back on afterwards.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
For those who may be interested in my Map plugin, check the attached gideros project. It is still a WIP, but it is a good start...
Likes: pie, aditya
you may want to make a separate topic (tagged Code snippets or Plugins) for that so that others can find it, i think its really useful.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: antix
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
However graphics are always sent down to OpenGL for rendering no matter what, so it doesn't bring performance enhancements, if thats what you are looking for...
Likes: antix
From memory if I set the resolution of the player so it was different than the resolution of the phone, the I would get sprites bleeding out of my display into the black offscreen areas. So these black areas that I don;t want the sprites in are still in theory the frame buffer?