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Android Player not Going Full Landscape — Gideros Forum

Android Player not Going Full Landscape

(low priority issue, only impacts running on the player)

My Android Gideros Player doesn't swap to full landscape. This means the menus are coming in from the left, not the top.

The above is not really noticeable.

Where it becomes slight more problematic is with the keyboard

I wonder if there is something else I need to do so the player tells Android it's in Landscape. The IP number printed by the player are in portrait, too, so the player is consistent.

@hgy29 I am using the snippets for text input you posted in another thread, so maybe you have a work around somewhere else in your UI project that I could use to solve the keyboard. I am only using


2160 x 1080 - 38K
2160 x 1080 - 115K

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