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Beat'em up — Gideros Forum

Beat'em up

MoKaLuxMoKaLux Member
edited December 2023 in Game & application design
Hi guys, I have always dreamt of making a street fighter game!
After just a couple of days it turned out to be the beginning of a beat'em up :p
The project started almost from scratch and putting together some code from the wiki ;)

Some screenshots:

A link to try the proto in your browser :)

Let me share the very rough and dirty prototype that I have. I am using tiny-ecs. I followed sir rrraptor steps and tried ecs in Gideros and now I am hooked o:)

ECS speaks to me because you have a problem, you make a system, problem solved, I love ECS.

Have a nice one!

Likes: keszegh, pie, PaulH

my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
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  • MoKaLuxMoKaLux Member
    edited January 4
  • let me share my approach to a beat'em up and my struggles:
    1- hitbox and hurtbox: new to me!
    Hurt boxes: one for the upper body (head) and one for the lower body (need more?)
    Hit boxes: one for the punch and one for the kick (you may have many kicks and punches)

    2- sorting sprites in a 2.5D perspective!
    Each sprite should be sorted accordingly (some old arcade games don't deal with this :o ). Cpu intensive, more than 256 sprites and lags appear but I shouldn't need that much?

    3- AI: it can be hard!
    The game is supposed to be "realistic" and I struggled quite a bit with this part

    4- sfx & vfx: to add some juice
    Just pick some random effects and you are good to go!

    5- levels: I choose the easy one
    I don't use cbump nor liquidfun, I checked some modern beat'em ups and a straight level can do

    6- camera: I use sir rrraptor's camera but I may implement a much simpler one should I need to save some cpu?

    7- gfx and animations: with my other Gideros app I can make quite some good ones in no time :)

    I think I have a good base for a beat'em up and I shall call it done?

    What's missing?
    - more than 1 level
    - adjust the collision detection for the jump kick
    - add pickups, bonuses and destructible objects (crates, cars, ...)
    - more juice with particles
    - various enemy type and bosses
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
  • MoKaLuxMoKaLux Member
    edited April 23
    teaser for future code release (GH + forum zip if not too big) and most likely a new Gideros Wiki written tutorial B)

    What's missing? NOT :p
    - more than 1 level: DONE
    - adjust the collision detection for the jump kick: DONE
    - add pickups, bonuses and destructible objects (crates, cars, ...): DONE
    - more juice with particles: DONE
    - various enemy type and bosses: DONE

    - key remapping o:)

    to do:
    - clean the code
    - add comments

    PS: I can't insert pictures (attach image) in my comments

    https://mokalux.itch.io/gideros-beatem-up new proto :)

    Viva Gideros <3
    642 x 392 - 209K
    642 x 392 - 151K
    642 x 392 - 237K

    Likes: hgy29, pie, PaulH

    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
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  • MoKaLuxMoKaLux Member
    edited April 30
    the minimum viable product is done :p
    it is a "complete" game with menu, options and win scenes.

    It was the easiest game I have made so far (easier and faster than a platformer :s ).

    Could I have some feedback please? ;)


    I am preparing the GH for it DONE. You may not like my coding style and I apologise in advance :|

    A wiki tutorial is next, God's willing.

    PS: with this project I experienced some minor issues with Gideros Studio:
    - Qt builds crash when pressing alt+enter to go full screen (no issue with win32 builds)
    - several Gideros Player freezes/crashes while coding/debugging this project pressing either the play button icon or the ctrl+r combination
    - bit of lags in win32 builds, Qt runs smooth, html5 runs pretty good (better than win32?)

    PS2: zip too big for forum (7mb)

    Likes: pie

    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
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  • piepie Member
    Accepted Answer
    cool! did you try adding a touch controller and building it for mobile?

    p.s. I noticed that each time you kick/punch the action restarts: I think it should ignore the press on the button until the current action is finished, at least if it's triggering the same action. (I remember tapping as a death metal drummer on those kind of games! :D )

    Likes: MoKaLux

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  • MoKaLuxMoKaLux Member
    edited October 11
    thank you pie :p

    About mobile: character control is done (I used this code https://wiki.gideros.rocks/index.php?title=VirtualRelativeJoystick) but the issue was adding 6 more buttons for kicking & punching. It would have been quite a challenge to add those 6 buttons so I leave it for another day

    For the action restart, to be honest I don't remember how it used to work back in the arcade days (double dragon), I need to play some beatem ups see how it works (I should have started from here I guess :D ).

    Did you finish it on hard mode ;) ? I especially like the 3rd level B)
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
  • piepie Member
    I finished it in default mode: is hard mode much different?
    I've never tried doing a game like that but I think you could cut the number of needed buttons: I can think of two ways to do that, and these can be combined.

    1) use a combination of direction+kick or punch

    2) act on button release, counting the time in which the button is pressed: ie. short press = fast kick, long press = jump kick

    I like the third level because the background is moving: next step is a level on the roof of a moving train :smiley:

    Likes: MoKaLux

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  • MoKaLuxMoKaLux Member
    yes difficulty level is actually working for real :)
    this could be ported to mobile quite easily but as you said you have to tinker a bit for the punches and kicks and where to place those buttons on the screen, you could even let the user place the buttons on screen as they wish.

    If you are ok with how the kicks and punches work, adding more levels is a piece of cake, you just need the graphics.

    I will try to get some more feedback and see how people like it, I will then decide to pursue it, making a paying game (pc, web and maybe mobile?).
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
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