Hi all, I am currently facing a problem. I am trying to export a gideros player for android but when i try to open the app it crashes imediately. The logcat says "invalid application id"!! No matter what I have tried it does not seems to work. The player runs only if i remove the ads plugin from my project but that is not something I want to do. Till now I have tried the admob test app id, and the real id that i created in admob just for the player. I still get the same error. Dont know what else to try. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Likes: dreiko65
@MoKaLux I get the same error again. The player worked fine for a few days and now it gives me the same error again.
Here are the settings that I am using right now for ads plugin. In the export menu I have set android target version to 30.
From the link above make sure to have:
App prerequisites
Use Android Studio 3.2 or higher
Make sure that your app's build file uses the following values:
minSdkVersion of 19 or higher
compileSdkVersion of 28 or higher
Likes: dreiko65