Hey all, returning to my app to fill it with some content. Just discovered the change to LUAU which probably is great, but without the macro support. I have used a lot of macros, not only for constants but also to reduce repetitive code, like this
deltaX @ |application:getLogicalTranslateX() / application:getLogicalScaleX()|
repetitivecodewithexpression @ |* constant1 * contant2|
Is there a simple way to replace these, specifically those with double |'s after the @? I'm using them (among other places) extensively inside movieclips (where functions cannot be called).
If so, Gideros just got less intuitive. Too bad.
I can probably do it, but I don't use them myself so this isn't a top priority for me, and it didn't seem to be one for others either so far.
Likes: MoKaLux, saeys, SinisterSoft
The following issues should be documented and some should be clarified.
* math.mod --> math.modf
* table.unpack() --> unpack()
* require('core.tablex') --> require "core/tablex"
Should be clarify
* dofile("phrase.lst") --> loadfile("phrase.json")()
Only for including return{lua_code or tables} files
--local map = loadfile(filename/path)()
instead of should be called like this ?
local map = require "filename/path"
or In the Studio mark as "Exclude from Execution"
What is the Luau alternative (...) method?
function foo(bar, ...)
I think "profi.lua" is deprecated?
When you write: "* math.mod --> math.modf" we have this in gideros https://wiki.gideros.rocks/index.php/Math.fmod
This is tricky because maybe some people do not use new gideros luau!?
Should we do it now? There is this thread related to gideros wiki to make changes to the wiki: https://forum.gideros.rocks/discussion/7465/new-gideros-docs-wiki#latest
See you there
Pardon, modf or fmod which one? Some examples have math.mod method that have to convert math.modf for luau compatibility.
Of course not now
Likes: MoKaLux, saeys