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--[[ Bismillahirahmanirrahim Audio control class for Gideros by: Edwin Zaniar Putra ( This code is MIT licensed, see <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Copyright 2012 Nightspade (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) gideros_audio ============= Audio control class for Gideros This class provides: * easy way to mute/unmute * easy way to manage and play BGM * easy way to manage and play SFX `````` Creates a new Audio object ```Audio:setBgms(bgms)``` Sets BGMs table with ```bgms``` table ```Audio:setSfxs(sfxs)``` Sets SFXs table with ```sfxs``` table ```Audio:clearBgms()``` Clears BGMs table ```Audio:clearSfxs()```Clears SFXs table ```Audio:addBgm(name, path)``` Adds new BGM to BGM table ```Audio:addSfx(name, path)``` Adds new SFX to SFX table ```Audio:removeBgm(name)``` Removes a BGM identified by ```name``` ```Audio:removeSfx(name)``` Removes a SFX identified by ```name``` ```Audio:playBgm(name, force)``` Plays a BGM identified by ```name```. Allow to replay currently playing BGM by setting ```force``` to ```true``` ```Audio:playSfx(name)``` Plays a SFX identified by ```name``` ```Audio:mute(mode)``` Mutes audio. Available ```mode```s are "bgm", "sfx". To mute all audio set ```mode``` to ```nil``` ```Audio:unmute(mode)``` Unmutes audio. Available ```mode```s are "bgm", "sfx". To unmute all audio set ```mode``` to ```nil``` Simple example: ``` audio = audio:setBgms{ ["mainmenu"] = "path/to/mainmenu.mp3", ["gameplay"] = "path/to/gameplay.mp3" } audio:setSfx{ ["explosion"] = "path/to/explosion.mp3", ["ding"] = "path/to/ding.mp3" } audio:playBgm("mainmenu") audio:playSfx("explosion") ``` ]] Audio = Core.class() function Audio:init() self.bgmChannel = nil self.bgmCurrentName = nil self.bgmCurrent = nil self.bgmPos = 0 self.bgmMute = false self.sfxMute = false self.bgms = {} self.sfxs = {} end function Audio:setBgms(bgms) self.bgms = bgms end function Audio:setSfxs(sfxs) for name, path in pairs(sfxs) do self.sfxs[name] = end end function Audio:clearBgms() self.bgms = {} end function Audio:clearSfxs() self.sfxs = {} end function Audio:addBgm(name, path) self.bgms[name] = path end function Audio:addSfx(name, path) self.sfxs[name] = end function Audio:removeBgm(name) self.bgms[name] = nil end function Audio:removeSfx(name) self.sfxs[name] = nil end function Audio:playBgm(name, force) if name ~= self.bgmCurrentName or force then if self.bgmChannel then self.bgmChannel:stop() self.bgmChannel = nil self.bgmCurrentName = nil self.bgmCurrent = nil self.bgmPos = 0 end if not self.bgmMute and not self.bgmChannel then self.bgmCurrentName = name self.bgmCurrent =[name]) self.bgmChannel = self.bgmCurrent:play(self.bgmPos, math.huge) end end end function Audio:playSfx(name) if not self.sfxMute then return self.sfxs[name]:play() end end function Audio:mute(mode) if mode == "bgm" then self.bgmMute = true if self.bgmChannel then self.bgmPos = self.bgmChannel:getPosition() self.bgmChannel:stop() self.bgmChannel = nil end elseif mode == "sfx" then self.sfxMute = true else self.bgmMute = true if self.bgmChannel then self.bgmPos = self.bgmChannel:getPosition() self.bgmChannel:stop() self.bgmChannel = nil end self.sfxMute = true end end function Audio:unmute(mode) if mode == "bgm" then self.bgmMute = false self.bgmChannel = self.bgmCurrent:play(self.bgmPos, math.huge) elseif mode == "sfx" then self.sfxMute = false else self.bgmMute = false self.bgmChannel = self.bgmCurrent:play(self.bgmPos, math.huge) self.sfxMute = false end end |
EDIT: I ended up using the class in the previous post for the main scenes (menu, options, ...) and vanilla Sound and SoundChannel for the various monsters. It is a bit messy to be honest, I need to rethink how to organise my sounds
Thank you
PS: bonus question, how do you initialize a channel without playing the sound, is self.channel2 = self.sndcoin:play(0, false, true) the only way (also channel:setPause(true)?
Likes: MoKaLux
I think I need to arrange/distribute them in a couple of Channels to avoid the screamings.
The only way would be to have different sounds with different spans of the audio spectre, so that you won't ever overlap the same frequencies (ie the first sound happens between 80 and 500mhz, the second one spans through 501 to 750, the third from 751 to 1000.. but you can't have the same sound played twice because the problem would rise again as soon as the same frequencies overlap and reach the speaker limit).
But you can trick the listener as you can read here:
A slight mod to the provided audio class (assuming it still works) should make it able to check if the sound is already playing and restart it, or do it only if there are already (guessing) 2 instances of the same sfx, or it could lower each sfx volume for the time needed (but I think this option would sound awkward
Likes: MoKaLux