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get date of compilation — Gideros Forum

get date of compilation

In the about part of my app i want to write the version of the app according to the date it was compiled. is there an automatic way to get this so i don't need to edit it manually all the time (as usually i do forget)?


  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    There is no builtin way, but you could write a plugin script to do that
  • thanks for the fast answer,
    for me it would take too much time to write the script, so unless somebody else also likes the idea i have to live with the manual solution.
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    Actually it is not that difficult: here is an example supporting android only:
     name="Build Date"
     description="Create a BUILD-DATE file in assets containg the build date">
      <target name="AndroidStudio,APK">
    		local f=io.open(Export.getProperty("sys.exportDir").."/app/src/main/assets/assets/BUILD-DATE","w")
    		local f=io.open(Export.getProperty("sys.exportDir").."/app/src/main/assets/assets/allfiles.txt","a+")

    Likes: SinisterSoft

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