I have big plans in the coming God's willing?
I want to write a book about gideros studio

I know that sounds crazy but I think I can do it?
My plan:
- start small and increase the difficulty
- make a finished project
- gather all the code
- put it in text form (explanation, comments, and the full code)
- I can proof read the text using balabolka (that's why I needed this https://mokatunprod.itch.io/text-line-remover
- make yt video that briefly explains the code as the goal is to build the finished project (all explanations should be in text)
- go chapter by chapter and publish on itch.io
- repeat
I was going to call all the little projects (chapters)
GDOC XX Title or
Gideros Express XX Title, ...
I intend to start with the basics, then scene manager, then a little game (bubble), then a box2d platformer, maybe a cbump one too?, a shmup in 2D and one in 3D, then some more 3D if I can make "interesting" prototypes, ...
I kinda already started but it's the very beginning, loooong way to go
Why I am doing this?
1- to create my apps
2- to make tuts (text and videos)
3- because I love coding in Gideros
4- for
FUNViva Gideros
Create a hyper-casual game with professionally drawn graphics by a professional artist.
And describe in the tutorial the step-by-step creation of the game.
This is the formula for successful tutorials .. if your game does not have professional graphics the tutorial will not be successful ..
Likes: MoKaLux
мій блог по гідерос https://simartinfo.blogspot.com
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GDOCS this will be the first chapter, introducing the basics plus bitmap, sound, ... (half way done). This will be in english
Likes: hgy29
Likes: MoKaLux
As crazy as it sounds this first intro turned out to a fully playable game, mind blown
Check it out same link as above, still need to add a score system. The goal is to reach the end of the screen using your keyboard but not on the heart beat. I will add a button for mobile too. This will be the game for mysecondfirst chapter.edit: score added https://mokatunprod.itch.io/gdoc-01-boom-boom
mouse and touch screenDONE+1 if you like it, -1 if you don't
Viva gideros!
IS THAT ENGLISH? Rhythm game: reach the end of the screen in as few steps as possible. Beware don't move on boom boom :-)
The idea is great but there is no reward in the game for winning.
If we take "Flappy Bird" as an example. Then there the role of reward is played by the level of the game which is constantly moving.
I think you need to make the level of the game move instead of the character.
It is also possible to make that the character did not move, and jumped - so more dynamically.
You can also make obstacles through which to jump to the rhythm -they will be a visual clue instead of sound.
Likes: MoKaLux
мій блог по гідерос https://simartinfo.blogspot.com
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Please note this is the first tutorial of what will become a long list of tutorials (God's willing). This first tutorial is for beginners, keep that in mind. I was quite amazed that with a single image, a single sound and a couple of pixels I came up with a fully functional game!!! Imho this first game is "complex" enough for beginners, so no need to bring more stuff to it. I leave it to them to go back to it and add stuff to their liking when they learn how to do it
Please note 2: the code will be dirty as hell too (beginners in mind).
With this approach I should be able (?) to make more tutorials (games) for this project: the GDOCS project. I am trying to avoid flappy bird clone (too boring imho) I would prefer making a google dinosaur clone instead (I still have to decide).
My steps: a game, a pdf, a yt video, repeat
The tools I use: for making the pdf (or html): cherry tree 0.99.37
By the way what was your best score? Mine was 7 steps
edit: added a first draft of the pdf on itch.io (couldn't attach it to this post
edit: I forgot to show how to export to android windows and html5. Will do this in another update.
The final format is not pdf, I went the html pages way, it's easier to copy the code from, plus I could embed some assets like a .wav file.
Now I need to make the accompanying yt video, but that will have to wait, game jam finishing in a couple of days and I haven't started my project yet
Viva gideros!
I only have 3 animated characters and quite a bit of buildings. This is lagging a little bit plus my cpu (or gpu?) is turning quite hot (80° celsius). Clearly needs optimisation but I am happy to have all the textures and animations working in gideros
Low poly models may solve the lags and the temperature? (what is 3d instancing)
Need to make something nicer out of this for my future GDOCS chapter
Likes: antix
мій блог по гідерос https://simartinfo.blogspot.com
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I like how the shadow moves and reflect on other objects! that's quite amazing gideros!
I will push it further God's willing.
I can share the code no problem
In all large games, lighting is created statically, not dynamically, and static light is baked into textures
мій блог по гідерос https://simartinfo.blogspot.com
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I tried removing shadows, it runs better but my cpu still gets hot (70° celsius).
Will try with low poly models, without shadows, without light?
Hope to get something nice soon?