Dear Giderans,
Here is the first and not last version of our lovely, friendly forum rules. Please feel free to obey them all:D
1-First rule: please be polite when communicating on this website. Refrain from statements that may offend or insult other users.
2-Second rule: always follow the first rule.
3-After following first and second rules please don't forget that making advertisement of any kind except your-own games that is build with gideros mobile or tools-assets that is related with mobile programming or gideros-mobile is forbidden.
4-Please, try to stick to English language, as we are an independent community of different regions from all over the world and English is our common meeting point. Doesn't be shy of making mistakes, no one will jusdge you for your English mistakes. (Bonus: find the grammar and writing mistakes in this sentence and you will get a like from us

5-Coarse language, advertising messages, spamming and flooding are forbidden.
6-Before asking a question believe the power of search, please use our wiki pages for tutorials.
7-If you find an answer to your question be so kind and share it in the same topic so others can benefit from it too.
8-Repeated violation of the Rules, ignoring moderator's remarks and open disrespect for the website Administration will lead to an account termination.
9-The Administration may implement any changes to the Rules it deems necessary.
10-In order to fight spam and bots, new/non participating users aren't allowed to post links anywhere in the forum, even in their profile page. Your account may be automatically deleted by our scripts if do so.
11-Promoting external assets or tools in the forum is ok as long as:
a) they could be useful to a Gideros user and
b) posts aren't too frequent. A quarterly update should be enough to keep the community aware of your work.
Likes: MoKaLux, talis
Likes: MoKaLux, kinrpg
мій блог по гідерос
Слава Україні!
Embora o mandarim seja um dos idiomas com mais leitores, não seria o Esperanto o idioma criado para ser um idioma sem fronteiras? Vamos postar tudo em esperanto então. (risos).
Likes: oleg
En nia cifereca erao, sufiĉas instali la tradukilan kromprogramon de Google por kompreni ĉiujn lingvojn
In our digital age, it is enough to install the translator plugin from Google to understand all languages
Likes: kinrpg
мій блог по гідерос
Слава Україні!
Likes: jimlev, talis, SinisterSoft
Я не понимаю что с вами не так, почему вы всегда пытаетесь себя выделить или занять позицию против всех, это много говорит о вашем менталитете.
A assume english is correct as a middle point