i thought that a colorButton can automatically be the target of a drag-n-drop operation of a colorEdit3 but it is not the case. is that a bug? in other words: i can drop a colorEdit3 color on a colorButton but i cannot drop a colotButton color on anything.
You can always check features that you need in ImGui's demo windo, because its written in C++ If it works exactly the same way in LUA then its not a problem from my side.
thanks, i can also use https://pthom.github.io/imgui_manual_online/manual/imgui_manual.html to check if the gideros demo window behaves as the original. and in this case it seems that indeed colorButton has this strange behaviour, so i will do some workaround (using a colorEdit3 with disabled popup).
when using colorEdit3() in the popup i have two colors, current and original. yet in colorPicker3() i only have current. is there a way to show original also there? (i.e., my colorPicker3 outcome should be identical to the colorEdit3() outcome. thanks
i thought that a colorButton can automatically be the target of a drag-n-drop operation of a colorEdit3 but it is not the case. is that a bug? in other words: i can drop a colorEdit3 color on a colorButton but i cannot drop a colotButton color on anything.
hi, can't wait for these new features to end up in a release. thanks
ImGui:colorPicker3(). Its possible to add "original color", but I need to change original sources, but I dont want to do it. ImGui:colorPicker4() have it out of the box, BUT you must provide it by ur self.
Mb that will help Argument number is off by 1 because from LUA we can call functions like that: myObject:myFunc(arg1, arg2, ...) but its actually a syntax sugar for: myObject.myFunc(myObject, arg1, arg2, ...)
thanks, this might shed enough light for the future. of course it's best if the documentation is not wrong, but from now on perhaps i will be brave enough to correct it too.
another thing: is there a way to set that inputText shows the already entered text right-aligned (e.g., think about your file-dialog and the current path view on the top, it would be more useful to show the end of it instead of the beginning, if it does not fit the box)?
As far as I know, the only way is to use callbacks somehow (not possible until the update ) Here is an example: https://github.com/MultiPain/Gideros_ImGui#example-1 There is a setCursorPos() which can help, but idk how you can use it...
As far as I know, the only way is to use callbacks somehow (not possible until the update ) Here is an example: https://github.com/MultiPain/Gideros_ImGui#example-1 There is a setCursorPos() which can help, but idk how you can use it...
ok, let's wait for the update and figure this out afterwards.
while building my file browser window at some point the scrolling with mouse wheel stopped working (at least i seem to remember that it worked a while ago). any ideas what might have happened? thanks (it also does not work with the demowindow now and i suspect with nothing else)
EDIT: in the demowindow the mousewheel value does not change when scrolling! EDIT: in the exported app it works, the issue is only in the giderosplayer.
EDIT: SOLVED. the problem was with my code. in certain cases my code stopped event propagation of mousewheel.
while building my file browser window at some point the scrolling with mouse wheel stopped working (at least i seem to remember that it worked a while ago). any ideas what might have happened? thanks (it also does not work with the demowindow now and i suspect with nothing else)
EDIT: in the demowindow the mousewheel value does not change when scrolling! EDIT: in the exported app it works, the issue is only in the giderosplayer.
No problems for me. I haven't touched mouse events code since 1.79.
i still have issues with scaledImageButton, e.g. this somehow pushed the item a few pixels to the left (even it goes below the next item which i have after a sameLine(0,0) and down:
basically i have a squared texture and i want to make a button from it which has sizes width 16 and height 19 so that the texture is in the middle and not distorted.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
colorlist[i],isTouching = imgui:colorEdit3("quick color "..i, colorlist[i],ImGui.ColorEditFlags_NoInputs|ImGui.ColorEditFlags_NoOptions|ImGui.ColorEditFlags_NoLabel |ImGui.ColorEditFlags_NoTooltip|ImGui.ColorEditFlags_NoPicker)
isTouching never seems to be true, although i guess it should be when i click on the item.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: MoKaLux, keszegh
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
ImGui:colorPicker4() have it out of the box, BUT you must provide it by ur self.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: keszegh
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Argument number is off by 1 because from LUA we can call functions like that:
myObject:myFunc(arg1, arg2, ...)
but its actually a syntax sugar for:
myObject.myFunc(myObject, arg1, arg2, ...)
For "ScaledImageFilled" it must be:
which file to check? i used https://github.com/MultiPain/Gideros_ImGui/blob/master/imgui_user.cpp so far but you showed parts of another.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
All functions here:
Here is a list of functions names associated with their objects:
For example, I have "imguiDrawListFunctionList" - functions for draw list object, you can confirm it here: https://github.com/MultiPain/Gideros_ImGui/blob/ee021e26061201f12c0053c432b23ab85d127c30/main.cpp#L10672
"ImDrawList" is the name of the object.
If u see something like:
Or if I have something like this:
another thing: is there a way to set that inputText shows the already entered text right-aligned (e.g., think about your file-dialog and the current path view on the top, it would be more useful to show the end of it instead of the beginning, if it does not fit the box)?
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Here is an example: https://github.com/MultiPain/Gideros_ImGui#example-1
There is a setCursorPos() which can help, but idk how you can use it...
Likes: keszegh, MoKaLux
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
(it also does not work with the demowindow now and i suspect with nothing else)
EDIT: in the demowindow the mousewheel value does not change when scrolling!
EDIT: in the exported app it works, the issue is only in the giderosplayer.
EDIT: SOLVED. the problem was with my code. in certain cases my code stopped event propagation of mousewheel.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: keszegh, MoKaLux
Now you can have as many sliders as you want in a single line
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
1 line call
Likes: MoKaLux
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
imgui:scaledImageButton(self.textureFolder, 21, 21, 21 , 25, nil, 0xffffff, 1, 0x4f4f4f, 0, 0.5,0.5)
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game