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Anyone can offer help about PWA ? — Gideros Forum

Anyone can offer help about PWA ?

I put a gideros HTML5 export on a web page and try to make it installable and playable offline with the Progressive Web App guideline.... without success.
The point that block me is about offline mode. The app doesn't work in offline mode.
In the classic PWA structure, the app need a service worker (.js file) to manage cache storage and issue in offline mode. As I didn't make that service worker, it seems normal that the app doesn't work... except the fact that it did worked on my test domain (I use the 'did worked' because it doesn't work anymore without explaination). But, as I move the folder on the real final domain, everything go well to work except that offline mode.
Any 'grand manitou' of the PWA creation in the place ? :p
My meditation plan :
SinisterSoft: “ I don't create classes that much - classes are good for making things simpler but imho for frame rate they are also death by a thousand cuts.”
Totebo: “ Best quote ever.”


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