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dataSaver and HTML export — Gideros Forum

dataSaver and HTML export

perrochonperrochon Member
edited April 2020 in Plugins
I am using dataSaver in my project. Everything works fine in the local player (Windows). When I export to HTML and then upload the resulting folder to a web server, I get the following error when accessing it.
classes/dataSaver.lua:4: module 'json' not found:
	no field package.preload['json']
	no file './json.lua'
	no file './json/init.lua'
	no file './_LuaPlugins_/json.lua'
	no file './_LuaPlugins_/json/init.lua'
	no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/json.lua'
	no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/json/init.lua'
	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/json.lua'
	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/json/init.lua'
	no file './json.so'
	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/json.so'
	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so'
stack traceback:
	classes/dataSaver.lua:4: in main chunk
	(luac): in main chunk
dataSaver looks like this
if not json then
	require "json"
Obviously it's missing a json package. I am not sure how modules, plugins, packages work together on desktop or in export.
some magic helps dataSaver find json on desktop, but that magic is not included on export.

Here are some things I tried.

1) find json.lua, download it and put it with my classes. This seems similar to how scenemanager.lua works, I have scenemanager.lua as a local .lua file with my classes. But json.lua seems to work differently. I tried with and without marking it "exclude from Execution". I also tried depending on it, or have dataSaver.lua depend on

2) Add the standard JSON plug-in. That didn't work either. Just for fun, I removed scenemanager.lua from my directory and used the standard plugin. That worked on desktop, but not through HTML export. So I couldn't get plugins in general to work through HTML.

I like the local file route, as I am still learning, and I don't understand plugins.

However, the plugin route seems feasible, too, and both JSON and SceneManager have an HTML icon, so should support HTML. I should probably switch to a plugin for dataSaver, too.

The project file is below (marking as code didn't show it, so had to use the pre-tag)
 <properties html5_crash="" build_number="1" autorotation="0" touchToMouse="1" splashScaleMode="0" app_name="Bushido Battle" logicalHeight="1920" packageName="com.yourdomain.yourapp" html5_pack="0" splash_h_image="" html5_fbload="100" logicalWidth="1200" winrt_package="com.yourdomain.yourapp" mouseTouchOrder="0" windowHeight="0" iosDevice="0" tv_icon="" retinaDisplay="0" architecture="7" win_domain="giderosmobile.com" encryptCode="0" orientation="1" html5_symbols="0" app_icon="" html5_wasm="0" osx_signingId="" exportMode="0" fps="60" splash_v_image="" osx_category="5" vsync="0" html5_mem="256" android_template="0" version_code="1" backgroundColor="#ffffff" ios_bundle="com.yourdomain." encryptAssets="0" osx_installerId="" windowWidth="0" version="1.0" winrt_org="GiderosMobile" html5_fbinstant="0" osx_org="GiderosMobile" mouseToTouch="1" osx_bundle="com.yourdomain." win_org="GiderosMobile" disableSplash="0" osx_domain="giderosmobile.com" html5_host="" scaleMode="3">
 <folder name="classes">
  <file name="assets/classes/Button.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/Character.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/Constants.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/MainScreen.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/Messages.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/Monsters.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/Player.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/SceneDeath.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/SceneLobby.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/ScenePlay.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/SceneStart.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/SceneVictory.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/Sounds.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/Start.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/TileMap.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/dataSaver.lua"/>
  <file name="assets/classes/scenemanager.lua"/>
 <folder name="fonts">
  <file name="assets/fonts/IMMORTAL.ttf"/>
  <file name="assets/fonts/immortal_XL.png"/>
  <file name="assets/fonts/immortal_XL.txt"/>
  <file name="assets/fonts/immortal_large.png"/>
  <file name="assets/fonts/immortal_large.txt"/>
  <file name="assets/fonts/immortal_medium.png"/>
  <file name="assets/fonts/immortal_medium.txt"/>
  <file name="assets/fonts/immortal_small.png"/>
  <file name="assets/fonts/immortal_small.txt"/>
 <folder name="images">
  <file name="assets/images/foreground.png"/>
  <file name="assets/images/tileset-environment-108px.png"/>
  <file name="assets/images/tileset-health-108px.png"/>
  <file name="assets/images/tileset-light-108px.png"/>
  <file name="assets/images/tileset-monsters-108px.png"/>
  <file name="assets/images/tileset-terrain-108px.png"/>
 <folder name="sounds">
  <file name="assets/sounds/footsteps-02.wav"/>
  <file name="assets/sounds/footsteps-03.wav"/>
  <file name="assets/sounds/footsteps-fast.wav"/>
  <file name="assets/sounds/footsteps-light.wav"/>
  <file name="assets/sounds/footsteps-one.wav"/>
  <file name="assets/sounds/melee_hit.mp3"/>
  <file name="assets/sounds/melee_hit.wav"/>
  <file name="assets/sounds/melee_hit2.wav"/>
  <file name="assets/sounds/melee_miss.mp3"/>
  <file name="assets/sounds/music-death.mp3"/>
  <file name="assets/sounds/music-title.mp3"/>
  <file name="assets/sounds/music-victory.mp3"/>
 <file source="main.lua"/>
 <dependency to="assets/classes/Constants.lua" from="assets/classes/Character.lua"/>
 <dependency to="assets/classes/Constants.lua" from="main.lua"/>
 <dependency to="assets/classes/scenemanager.lua" from="main.lua"/>


  • Just add the JSON plugin, you still need to require it in your code. There should be no issues.
    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
  • perrochonperrochon Member
    edited April 2020
    I tried that before. And I did try again just now, starting from scratch with the export on empty files. I still get the same error message. DataSaver seems to be expecting a different version (spelling?) of json.

    Export adds a json.wasm file to the folder, but it still is not found when trying to run.

    .gproj now has
       <plugin name="JSON" enabled="1"/>
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    Accepted Answer
    Can you try to enable compression in HTML ? If that still doesn't work, can you send me the console log from your browser ? Gideros tries to load plugins before launching main.lua and outputs diagnostics in HTML console.
  • Success. Compression did the job. This forums turns out to be as awesome as claimed. Console log (without compression) comes in next post.

  • @hgy29 I emptied the export folder and exported HTML again, turning off compression. The result also runs on the Web. It seems like turning on and turning off compression changes something on a sticky basis and export now works either way. (Or there is some other user error)

    I restored the old folders from the trash and still have them. Is it helpful to you if I try if I can reproduce it and get console logs?
  • Turns out user error on restore. I didn't go back long enough. I found one that still produces the problem.
    :6 The key "target-densitydpi" is not supported.
    gidloader.js:252 wasm streaming compile failed: TypeError: Failed to execute 'compile' on 'WebAssembly': Incorrect response MIME type. Expected 'application/wasm'.
    gidloader.js:252 falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation
    gideros-wasm.js:54 Loading plugin:EP_Mp3.wasm
    gideros-wasm.js:71 Instanciating plugin:EP_Mp3.wasm
    gideros-wasm.js:54 Loading plugin:EP_Xmp.wasm
    gideros-wasm.js:71 Instanciating plugin:EP_Xmp.wasm
    gideros-wasm.js:84 Plugins loaded
    gideros-wasm.js:123 EP_Mp3
    gideros-wasm.js:123 EP_Xmp
    gideros-wasm.js:12678 [Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking 'wheel' event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive. See 
    gideros-wasm.js:12679 [Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking 'mousewheel' event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive. See 
    gidloader.js:240 Resize:1211,1207
    gidloader.js:240 CanvasSize: 1816,1810 (1.500000)
    gideros-wasm.js:9023 The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page. 
    gidloader.js:240 GL Version 3.000000 (ES)
    gidloader.js:240 GL_VERSION:OpenGL ES 3.0 (WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium))
    gidloader.js:240 GLSL_VERSION:OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.00 (WebGL GLSL ES 3.00 (OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.0 Chromium))
    gideros-wasm.js:10983 WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: framebufferRenderbuffer: no framebuffer bound
    gideros-wasm.js:10983 WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: framebufferRenderbuffer: no framebuffer bound
    gideros-wasm.js:17582 [Violation] 'setTimeout' handler took 272ms
    gidloader.js:240 json.lua Not found in archive
    gidloader.js:240 json/init.lua Not found in archive
    gidloader.js:240 _LuaPlugins_/json.lua Not found in archive
    gidloader.js:240 _LuaPlugins_/json/init.lua Not found in archive
    gidloader.js:240 json.so Not found in archive
    gidloader.js:240 *callFile* stack NOT ok begin:1 end:7 delta:-1
    gidloader.js:240 classes/dataSaver.lua:4: module 'json' not found:
    	no field package.preload['json']
    	no file './json.lua'
    	no file './json/init.lua'
    	no file './_LuaPlugins_/json.lua'
    	no file './_LuaPlugins_/json/init.lua'
    	no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/json.lua'
    	no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/json/init.lua'
    	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/json.lua'
    	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/json/init.lua'
    	no file './json.so'
    	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/json.so'
    	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so'
    stack traceback:
    	classes/dataSaver.lua:4: in main chunk
    	(luac): in main chunk

  • And here when it's working, after exporting with compress, then not compress
    :6 The key "target-densitydpi" is not supported.
    gidloader.js:253 wasm streaming compile failed: TypeError: Failed to execute 'compile' on 'WebAssembly': Incorrect response MIME type. Expected 'application/wasm'.
    printErr @ gidloader.js:253
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:1634
    Promise.then (async)
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:1633
    Promise.then (async)
    instantiateAsync @ gideros-wasm.js:1631
    createWasm @ gideros-wasm.js:1652
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:13658
    gidloader.js:253 falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation
    printErr @ gidloader.js:253
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:1635
    Promise.then (async)
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:1633
    Promise.then (async)
    instantiateAsync @ gideros-wasm.js:1631
    createWasm @ gideros-wasm.js:1652
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:13658
    gideros-wasm.js:54 Loading plugin:EP_Mp3.wasm
    gideros-wasm.js:71 Instanciating plugin:EP_Mp3.wasm
    gideros-wasm.js:54 Loading plugin:EP_Xmp.wasm
    gideros-wasm.js:71 Instanciating plugin:EP_Xmp.wasm
    gideros-wasm.js:54 Loading plugin:json.wasm
    gideros-wasm.js:71 Instanciating plugin:json.wasm
    gideros-wasm.js:84 Plugins loaded
    gideros-wasm.js:123 EP_Mp3
    gideros-wasm.js:123 EP_Xmp
    gideros-wasm.js:123 json
    gideros-wasm.js:12678 [Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking 'wheel' event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive. See 
    _glfwInit @ gideros-wasm.js:12678
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6580:15
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7036:5
    Module.dynCall_iii @ gideros-wasm.js:15335
    invoke_iii @ gideros-wasm.js:16736
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7415:296
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6263:2
    Module._main @ gideros-wasm.js:14119
    callMain @ gideros-wasm.js:17541
    doRun @ gideros-wasm.js:17577
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:17586
    gideros-wasm.js:12679 [Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking 'mousewheel' event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive. See 
    _glfwInit @ gideros-wasm.js:12679
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6580:15
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7036:5
    Module.dynCall_iii @ gideros-wasm.js:15335
    invoke_iii @ gideros-wasm.js:16736
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7415:296
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6263:2
    Module._main @ gideros-wasm.js:14119
    callMain @ gideros-wasm.js:17541
    doRun @ gideros-wasm.js:17577
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:17586
    gidloader.js:241 Resize:718,1207
    gidloader.js:241 CanvasSize: 1077,1810 (1.500000)
    gideros-wasm.js:9023 The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page. 
    _alcCreateContext @ gideros-wasm.js:9023
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-8853:16
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-8854:4
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7040:4
    Module.dynCall_ii @ gideros-wasm.js:15323
    invoke_ii @ gideros-wasm.js:16692
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6757:14
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7017:3
    Module.dynCall_v @ gideros-wasm.js:15415
    invoke_v @ gideros-wasm.js:16956
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-9117:430
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7030:7
    Module.dynCall_iiiii @ gideros-wasm.js:15359
    invoke_iiiii @ gideros-wasm.js:16824
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7415:358
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6263:2
    Module._main @ gideros-wasm.js:14119
    callMain @ gideros-wasm.js:17541
    doRun @ gideros-wasm.js:17577
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:17586
    setTimeout (async)
    run @ gideros-wasm.js:17582
    runCaller @ gideros-wasm.js:17531
    removeRunDependency @ gideros-wasm.js:1508
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:85
    Promise.then (async)
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:83
    callRuntimeCallbacks @ gideros-wasm.js:1393
    preRun @ gideros-wasm.js:1430
    run @ gideros-wasm.js:17567
    runCaller @ gideros-wasm.js:17531
    removeRunDependency @ gideros-wasm.js:1508
    receiveInstance @ gideros-wasm.js:1613
    receiveInstantiatedSource @ gideros-wasm.js:1617
    Promise.then (async)
    instantiateArrayBuffer @ gideros-wasm.js:1622
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:1636
    Promise.then (async)
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:1633
    Promise.then (async)
    instantiateAsync @ gideros-wasm.js:1631
    createWasm @ gideros-wasm.js:1652
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:13658
    gidloader.js:241 GL Version 3.000000 (ES)
    gidloader.js:241 GL_VERSION:OpenGL ES 3.0 (WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium))
    gidloader.js:241 GLSL_VERSION:OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.00 (WebGL GLSL ES 3.00 (OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.0 Chromium))
    gideros-wasm.js:10983 WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: framebufferRenderbuffer: no framebuffer bound
    _glFramebufferRenderbuffer @ gideros-wasm.js:10983
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6168:54
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6999:5
    Module.dynCall_vii @ gideros-wasm.js:15483
    invoke_vii @ gideros-wasm.js:16703
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6169:197
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7033:6
    Module.dynCall_iiii @ gideros-wasm.js:15347
    invoke_iiii @ gideros-wasm.js:16725
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6136:23
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-9174:7
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-8599:118
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-9109:15
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7015:4
    Module.dynCall_vi @ gideros-wasm.js:15423
    invoke_vi @ gideros-wasm.js:16747
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7415:383
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6263:2
    Module._main @ gideros-wasm.js:14119
    callMain @ gideros-wasm.js:17541
    doRun @ gideros-wasm.js:17577
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:17586
    setTimeout (async)
    run @ gideros-wasm.js:17582
    runCaller @ gideros-wasm.js:17531
    removeRunDependency @ gideros-wasm.js:1508
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:85
    Promise.then (async)
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:83
    callRuntimeCallbacks @ gideros-wasm.js:1393
    preRun @ gideros-wasm.js:1430
    run @ gideros-wasm.js:17567
    runCaller @ gideros-wasm.js:17531
    removeRunDependency @ gideros-wasm.js:1508
    receiveInstance @ gideros-wasm.js:1613
    receiveInstantiatedSource @ gideros-wasm.js:1617
    Promise.then (async)
    instantiateArrayBuffer @ gideros-wasm.js:1622
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:1636
    Promise.then (async)
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:1633
    Promise.then (async)
    instantiateAsync @ gideros-wasm.js:1631
    createWasm @ gideros-wasm.js:1652
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:13658
    gideros-wasm.js:10983 WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: framebufferRenderbuffer: no framebuffer bound
    _glFramebufferRenderbuffer @ gideros-wasm.js:10983
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6168:60
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6999:5
    Module.dynCall_vii @ gideros-wasm.js:15483
    invoke_vii @ gideros-wasm.js:16703
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6169:197
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7033:6
    Module.dynCall_iiii @ gideros-wasm.js:15347
    invoke_iiii @ gideros-wasm.js:16725
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6136:23
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-9174:7
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-8599:118
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-9109:15
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7015:4
    Module.dynCall_vi @ gideros-wasm.js:15423
    invoke_vi @ gideros-wasm.js:16747
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7415:383
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6263:2
    Module._main @ gideros-wasm.js:14119
    callMain @ gideros-wasm.js:17541
    doRun @ gideros-wasm.js:17577
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:17586
    setTimeout (async)
    run @ gideros-wasm.js:17582
    runCaller @ gideros-wasm.js:17531
    removeRunDependency @ gideros-wasm.js:1508
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:85
    Promise.then (async)
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:83
    callRuntimeCallbacks @ gideros-wasm.js:1393
    preRun @ gideros-wasm.js:1430
    run @ gideros-wasm.js:17567
    runCaller @ gideros-wasm.js:17531
    removeRunDependency @ gideros-wasm.js:1508
    receiveInstance @ gideros-wasm.js:1613
    receiveInstantiatedSource @ gideros-wasm.js:1617
    Promise.then (async)
    instantiateArrayBuffer @ gideros-wasm.js:1622
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:1636
    Promise.then (async)
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:1633
    Promise.then (async)
    instantiateAsync @ gideros-wasm.js:1631
    createWasm @ gideros-wasm.js:1652
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:13658
    gideros-wasm.js:17582 [Violation] 'setTimeout' handler took 270ms
    gidloader.js:241 table: 0x5cfb40
    2gideros-wasm.js:7345 The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page. 
    scheduleSourceAudio @ gideros-wasm.js:7345
    setSourceState @ gideros-wasm.js:7457
    _alSourcePlay @ gideros-wasm.js:8833
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7746:59
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-8800:45
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6763:11
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6999:5
    Module.dynCall_vii @ gideros-wasm.js:15483
    invoke_vii @ gideros-wasm.js:16703
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7767:189
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7026:9
    Module.dynCall_iiiiiii @ gideros-wasm.js:15375
    invoke_iiiiiii @ gideros-wasm.js:16967
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-9091:85
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-1588:294
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-3183:2294
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-1076:48
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-492:12
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6990:6
    Module.dynCall_viii @ gideros-wasm.js:15515
    invoke_viii @ gideros-wasm.js:16714
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7245:73
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-1588:294
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-1076:43
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6901:7
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6999:5
    Module.dynCall_vii @ gideros-wasm.js:15483
    invoke_vii @ gideros-wasm.js:16703
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-1587:25
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-3210:24
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-1179:52
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-2046:56
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7030:7
    Module.dynCall_iiiii @ gideros-wasm.js:15359
    invoke_iiiii @ gideros-wasm.js:16824
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-8597:230
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6990:6
    Module.dynCall_viii @ gideros-wasm.js:15515
    invoke_viii @ gideros-wasm.js:16714
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-3885:208
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7015:4
    Module.dynCall_vi @ gideros-wasm.js:15423
    invoke_vi @ gideros-wasm.js:16747
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-9113:597
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-9116:55
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7015:4
    Module.dynCall_vi @ gideros-wasm.js:15423
    invoke_vi @ gideros-wasm.js:16747
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6372:135
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7017:3
    Module.dynCall_v @ gideros-wasm.js:15415
    browserIterationFunc @ gideros-wasm.js:6533
    runIter @ gideros-wasm.js:6635
    Browser_mainLoop_runner @ gideros-wasm.js:6571
    requestAnimationFrame (async)
    requestAnimationFrame @ gideros-wasm.js:6957
    Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_rAF @ gideros-wasm.js:6488
    Browser_mainLoop_runner @ gideros-wasm.js:6574
    requestAnimationFrame (async)
    requestAnimationFrame @ gideros-wasm.js:6957
    Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_rAF @ gideros-wasm.js:6488
    Browser_mainLoop_runner @ gideros-wasm.js:6574
    requestAnimationFrame (async)
    requestAnimationFrame @ gideros-wasm.js:6957
    Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_rAF @ gideros-wasm.js:6488
    Browser_mainLoop_runner @ gideros-wasm.js:6574
    requestAnimationFrame (async)
    requestAnimationFrame @ gideros-wasm.js:6957
    Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_rAF @ gideros-wasm.js:6488
    Browser_mainLoop_runner @ gideros-wasm.js:6574
    requestAnimationFrame (async)
    requestAnimationFrame @ gideros-wasm.js:6957
    Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_rAF @ gideros-wasm.js:6488
    Browser_mainLoop_runner @ gideros-wasm.js:6574
    requestAnimationFrame (async)
    requestAnimationFrame @ gideros-wasm.js:6957
    Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_rAF @ gideros-wasm.js:6488
    Browser_mainLoop_runner @ gideros-wasm.js:6574
    requestAnimationFrame (async)
    requestAnimationFrame @ gideros-wasm.js:6957
    Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_rAF @ gideros-wasm.js:6488
    Browser_mainLoop_runner @ gideros-wasm.js:6574
    requestAnimationFrame (async)
    requestAnimationFrame @ gideros-wasm.js:6957
    Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_rAF @ gideros-wasm.js:6488
    Browser_mainLoop_runner @ gideros-wasm.js:6574
    requestAnimationFrame (async)
    requestAnimationFrame @ gideros-wasm.js:6957
    Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_rAF @ gideros-wasm.js:6488
    Browser_mainLoop_runner @ gideros-wasm.js:6574
    requestAnimationFrame (async)
    requestAnimationFrame @ gideros-wasm.js:6957
    Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_rAF @ gideros-wasm.js:6488
    Browser_mainLoop_runner @ gideros-wasm.js:6574
    requestAnimationFrame (async)
    requestAnimationFrame @ gideros-wasm.js:6957
    Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_rAF @ gideros-wasm.js:6488
    _emscripten_set_main_loop @ gideros-wasm.js:6578
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6990:6
    Module.dynCall_viii @ gideros-wasm.js:15515
    invoke_viii @ gideros-wasm.js:16714
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-7415:703
    (anonymous) @ 0083d55e-6263:2
    Module._main @ gideros-wasm.js:14119
    callMain @ gideros-wasm.js:17541
    doRun @ gideros-wasm.js:17577
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:17586
    setTimeout (async)
    run @ gideros-wasm.js:17582
    runCaller @ gideros-wasm.js:17531
    removeRunDependency @ gideros-wasm.js:1508
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:85
    Promise.then (async)
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:83
    callRuntimeCallbacks @ gideros-wasm.js:1393
    preRun @ gideros-wasm.js:1430
    run @ gideros-wasm.js:17567
    runCaller @ gideros-wasm.js:17531
    removeRunDependency @ gideros-wasm.js:1508
    receiveInstance @ gideros-wasm.js:1613
    receiveInstantiatedSource @ gideros-wasm.js:1617
    Promise.then (async)
    instantiateArrayBuffer @ gideros-wasm.js:1622
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:1636
    Promise.then (async)
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:1633
    Promise.then (async)
    instantiateAsync @ gideros-wasm.js:1631
    createWasm @ gideros-wasm.js:1652
    (anonymous) @ gideros-wasm.js:13658
    Show 24 more frames
    Bushido Battle Started.
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    Interesting, I will have a look at what could happen here
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    I just had a try with a simple project and couldn't reproduce: json.wasm is correctly created and referenced, and compression was never turned on. If you can reproduce it constantly, it would be interested in the export log from Gideros Studio
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