I need to modify the core to do tasks that are far too slow in LUA. I don't want to take the plugin route either because I want to make use of the core features.
I've downloaded github.com/gideros/gideros
Opened ios/GiderosiOSPlayer/GiderosiOSPlayer.xcodeproj in xcode and it failed to compile. It gave suggestions of 3 x function names and I changed those and then it fails due to missing file.
See attached image.
You'd want to modify main gideros ios library (ios/iosplayer) and/or the Xcode template (ui/Templates/Xcode4/iOS Template) instead.
Likes: antix
Neither of those project compiles for me and so I've not got a handle as to what each Xcode project does yet so I'm just guessing as to which project I actually need.
Case example:
I get UIDevice undefined when I try to compile ios/iosplayer
If you go to gideros/gideros/blob/master/libgid/src/ios/platform-ios.mm
Line 185-196
static std::string g_propResult;
const char* g_getProperty(const char* what, const char* arg){
if (what&&(!strcmp(what,"batteryLevel"))) {
UIDevice *myDevice = [UIDevice currentDevice];
[myDevice setBatteryMonitoringEnabled:YES];
double batLeft = (float)[myDevice batteryLevel] * 100;
NSString * levelLabel = [NSString stringWithFormat:@%.f%, batLeft];
g_propResult=[levelLabel UTF8String];
return g_propResult.c_str();
The batteryLevel doesn't apply to the Mac build so it need the
block in there.
I realise this file had a recent change to the code and you haven't had the need to compile the mac build as to why this has happened.
That is just 1 example.
I'll go through those 2 projects and fix the issues I am having when I have more time.
EDIT: I usually build it from a terminal window, typing 'make -f scripts/Makefile.gid ios.install', see https://wiki.giderosmobile.com/index.php/Compiling_Gideros_Source#2.2.2_iOS_:
Likes: John