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Experiences with Megacool Plugin — Gideros Forum

Experiences with Megacool Plugin

Has anyone released a game that uses the Megacool Plugin? Or gotten it to work reliably?

I love the concept of the plugin, but it is unreliable for me in my game - about 50% of the time, there is no gif created. The team at Megacool was very friendly when I asked them about it, and they offered to take a look at my debug logs, but I'm waiting to hear back from them.

I'm attaching log examples for when a gif was created and for when no gif was created, in case anyone here has insights. Also, here's how I'm calling Megacool in my game:

local timerDelayed = Timer.delayedCall(500, function()
local timerDelayed = Timer.delayedCall(5000, function()
Megacool.setSharingText("Check this out!")



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