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Renaming Files + Copying Imported Assets Question — Gideros Forum

Renaming Files + Copying Imported Assets Question

ShadowraixShadowraix Member
edited November 2018 in General questions
1. Inside of Gideros there seems to be a lot of restrictions on renaming files. If I create a new Lua script and want to rename it, there is no option and when I rename it in explorer, it does not reflect such changes in Gideros Studio.

2. When I add existing files what I really want to do is have it copied over into the Gideros directory, not reference from the image's source directory. There seems to be no built in behavior for this. I like having everything to do with the game localized to the project directory. These imported files also have the same renaming problem.

Am I missing something here? I kind of assumed I could do this due to other engines.


  • it's a design decision, gideros way and your preferred way have both advantages. this was raised many times earlier. i don't know if adding full folders is possible though, that would be useful even with current way.
  • keszegh said:

    it's a design decision, gideros way and your preferred way have both advantages. this was raised many times earlier. i don't know if adding full folders is possible though, that would be useful even with current way.

    Yeah I can deal with not having a auto managed folder directory since I can do that myself. But it seems like an oversight that Gideros Studio doesn't reflect file name changes done to the file itself.
  • I like the virtual folders, etc - it makes it much easier to make skinned versions of games or a special version for a new platform, eg facebook instants.

    Full folders has been discussed behind the scenes and I remember there was a plan to implement them whilst keeping virtual folders, etc.
    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    Yes, this is because only keeps a symbolic link to your actual files. If you rename or move them on-disk, Gideros has no way to to know its link is no longer valid.
    Main advantage if current way: you can share assets between project more easily.
    Drawbacks: need to remove and re-add files in gideros each time you change them on-disk, it is harder to pack-up your project as a zip for backup or transfer, doesn't cope well with versionning systems, etc.

    A few ideas I had to improve things:
    - adding a 'rename' option in gideros, but its hard to tell if such option should change the actual filename or just gideros internal name
    - adding a 'consolidate' button, that would fetch all dependencies and make sure they sit in project folder. It doesn't help when renaming a file on-disk though.
    - being able to choose between current system and a fully FS based one on project creation. The consildate option above could optionnaly change the project mode afterwise too.

    Likes: keszegh

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  • "Drawbacks: need to remove and re-add files in gideros each time you change them on-disk"

    I think you mean if you change the filename - if you simply change the contents of the file then there is nothing to do, it sees the updated content.
    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
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