Hey guys!
My game is running well in gideros player and gideros player for android. The game works the way I want on both players. However, the problem came when I exported my game in android.
This is what happens:
1. I compile my game using the latest gideros android export which is at the first tab when you click export.
2. I will input my sdk version, etc. and keystore which I generated from cmd java keytool
3. It will create apk of my game
4. It will install in my phone
But the problem is the compiled apk of my game crashes just after the default gideros splashscreen.
What should I do?
Can you suggest me the ideal setup of android sdk for gideros. The sdk-tool version, platform-tool version, build-tool version, android api level, gradle version that will be the perfect fit for gideros.
Quite often the issue can be a filename that has been spelled incorrectly. The players will accept "picture.png" even if the file is called "PICTURE.png" but the exported APK will not.
Best way is to use LogCat and see what errors pop in there
Likes: SinisterSoft
Thanks for the opinion
I will try to review the assets of my game.
Btw. What is your android sdk configuration? What I mean is the version you used for build tools, platforms, and gradle to compile your project.
I am planning to fresh install my android sdk and gradle to the version that works perfectly with gideros.
run from console:
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spriteHandler = Core.class(Sprite)
function spriteHandler:init(spriteName, aX, aY, sX, sY, posX, posY, alpha)
local bmp = Bitmap.new(Texture.new(spriteName..".png"))
self:setAnchorPoint(aX, aY)
self:setScale(sX, sY)
self:setPosition(posX, posY)
So for example I want to create a sprite at main that lua. I will do this:
local ball = spriteHandler.new("ball", 0, 0, 1, 1, 240, 400, 1)
Its working when testing a device player but I have a doubt that it is affecting my exported apk. What can you say?
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мій блог по гідерос https://simartinfo.blogspot.com
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