Hi all,
I am currently developing a game and have a question regarding dragging sprites. I am fairly confident with how to use the touch events to drag a sprite according to the touch x,y coordinates, however I need to be able to constrain the possible motion of the sprite to a fixed path. More specifically I am looking to implement game mechanics in which the user can drag a sprite, but only in a circular motion (like turning a wheel). Is anyone aware of how I might implement this? Thanks for any information you can provide.
When you drag your finger on the display it just increments/decrements an angle variable (from 0 to 360). It then uses that angle to draw the ball at the angle and radius from the balls origin (if that makes sense)
for this you can check the angle defined by these 3 points: where touch begins, the center of the wheel and where touch move is currently registered. and then simply rotate your wheel with the same angle.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
The dial is just a simple dial that you can twirl about as @keszegh suggested. It just uses setRotation() to do that but shows you how to find the touch angle inside a circle at least.
The Ball class is a little more complex and a ball can be either a "drag" ball which behaves like the first example, or a "dial" ball which behaves like @keszegh originally meant (I hope)
The code isn't too commented so yell out if you don't get anything in there
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