I've just released a new HD version of Fly Fishing Simulator. The previous version has around 960,000 downloads between Google Play, Amazon and iTunes. As the name implies, the new version features much sharper graphics, plus much more smoothly flowing water. Over the last two+ years I've shot around 100 rivers for this new version, and will be releasing those rivers for subscribers. They'll get a new river to fish every week. The new version also adds the ability to create your own fishing flies. I'll be traveling and shooting more rivers for the app in the coming years.
iOS and Windows coming soon...
Thanks for all the support on this forum, and thanks to everyone who contributes to Gideros, whether via donation or coding!
Now if I can just get my poor little Mac Mini to build the iOS version. After a day of system updates, I still get linking errors trying to build the exported Gideros project. Too busy working with the Android launch to spend much time on that yet, but I may be posting looking for iOS help in the coming days. My last iOS export built pretty easily.
But the Android launch is off to a good start - Close to 100 installs in the first 24 hours, and accelerating. The previous version tends to get around 500-1000 per day on Android, but it takes a while for a new app to earn its position in the store ranking and get noticed by those just browsing.
Likes: antix
i would redesign the gui to make it really hd, e.g. a flat design with some pleasing colors and another font would make it more contemporary. but perhaps for the target audience such gimmicks do not matter much.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game