I have implemented a Unity Ads plugin, following the existing Ads plugin implementations.
I have tested it for v4vc and working as expected. not tested for "video".
The usage and installation is the same as other ad networks of Ads plugin ,
Supported formats, "video" and "v4vc"
I implemented it too a few weeks ago, for both iOS and Android, but kept it private as it was paid work and untested. If my customer agrees to have it released freely, we should probably merge our work.
Likes: uzubari
Just had a look at what you did vs what I did, and there is only difference is the way we handle placementId vs ad type. While you try to map ad type to either 'video' or 'rewardedVideo' at unity, I decided to pass it straight, since more ad types can be user defined in Unity. However my way of doing means that you can't pass, say v4vc, if you didn't declare it in Unity.
Not sure which way is better in the end, what do you all think ?
in ads plugin v4vc is used frequently, that is why I have used it.
Your solution is flexible but I think, it would be better if forward "rewardedVideo" to Unity in case of "v4vc" is given. Since this is the default usage in Gideros Ads plugin.
Can you add a little guide how to integrate that?
I tried to add just a AdsUnity.java to src\com\giderosmobile\android\plugins\ads and unity-ads.jar to libs, but it brings error in AdsUnity.java "IUnityAdsListener cannot be resolved to a type"
What else i should do? Tried to use https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/unity-ads-android/wiki/sdk_android_integration_guide but without success
As much as i can understand we should do same as here: http://docs.giderosmobile.com/interface/ads
So we need to add something to manifest and add files, right?