Hi. Anyone know an easy way to setup a html leaderboard?
I found this and was wondering if it could be used in gideros with the url loader? or something?
http://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-code-a-self-hosted-phpsql-leaderboard-for-your-game--gamedev-11627Or is there a simpler way?
something like:
application:openUrl( "http://yoururl/score.php?action=insert&pass=dAS7M2qXT&app=testapp&game=level1points&username=ar2rsawseen&score")
Also is this .htaccess file ok to put in there to make it obscure the fact php is used?
other concern if someone uploads php to read and display that file, so you need to protect and validate all file uploads on your server, but it has nothing to do with the script.
about htaccess, then -Indexes is a good idea yes, you don't need an url rewrite really, unless you want to and know how it would rewrite urls
But if you need multiple scores of same user in the same game, you need to modify code, basically this checks if there is already a score:
$score = $q->select_byvar("*", "score", "where gameID = '".$_GET["gameID"]."' and username = '".$_GET["username"]."' LIMIT 1");
and if there is it modifies it, if not it inserts it
so you can modify to always insert it