Dear All
I am delighted to announce the latest version of Gideros,
Gideros 2016.6. This release has following new features and improvements:
New featuresIntroduce a threading system allowing to launch tasks in background
New Pixel sprite, a simple and fast rectangular coloured sprite
New Particles sprite (alpha), which allows to draw several identical dots or bitmaps with varying colour and orientation
Releases now include offline docs
New examples
Lua 5.1 'universal' bytecode
UTF8 string library
ImprovementsMatrix object promoted to full 4x4 (3D) matrix
Matrix has sprite transform functions as well as direct scale/rotate/translate/multiply
Pixels can be retrieved from a render target through RenderTarget:getPixels()
Win32 target general improvements (fixed autorotation issue and UrlLoader now supported)
Shaders constants can now be set on a sprite by sprite basis
Viewport can now be used to render 3D scenes with different perspectives
Switched to QT 5.6 (fix multi monitor issues with gideros studio)
Updated luasockets to 3.0rc1 (for IPv6 access)
FixesAllow to remove a shader from a Sprite through Sprite:setShader(nil)
Fixed concurrency issue in UrlLoader on Android, causing random crashes
Fixed Render target clear/clipping
Android fixed orientation issue on screen suspend
Fixed export complete dialog appears only after export is finished
Logical scale now applies to Z axis too
HTML5 fix mouse buttons reporting
Fixed blur shader example to be GL ES compliant
Please download the new version here:
Download Gideros 2016.6Please do give us a "tip" if you can afford it. Donations are currently our only source of income and things like website hosting, new equipment for testing (phones, computers, consoles etc) cost money. And we are also using donations to fund a member of staff. If 10% of people who download Gideros can contribute £10 each to Gideros 2016.6 we can sail through all our income targets! So please give us any amount you can afford and thank you all for donating to the last release.
I'd like to thank all the contributors for their work in this excellent release and look forward to discussing all the new features here in the forum!
Likes: SinisterSoft, hgy29, john26, MobAmuse
Can you guys please add a donation option for improving current export targets (e.g. HTML5). There is one for new targets, but no 'improvement' section.
Thanks you for the awesome work!!
Likes: SinisterSoft, john26
Likes: SinisterSoft, john26
Likes: SinisterSoft, john26
Likes: john26
Thanks for the great work.
I have just downloaded it but I am getting VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing error on Windows 10 when I try to run project on gideros player.
How can I solve it?
Installing , solves problem.
I must say `RenderTarget:getPixels()` is not yet another "improvement". It is new powerful feature: now you can easily make Paint programs!
Likes: john26
Likes: MobAmuse
Since Paypal has stopped its services in Turkey , the users from Turkey will not be able to donate over Paypal,
Likes: mertocan, gorkem
Likes: mertocan
Make a copy of your gideros folder in program files (possibly program files (x86) )
Copy the contents of the Gideros folder into that folder, overwrite any files
Make a shortcut to that gideros studio on your desktop
Run that Gideros Studio and player to have LuaJIT
If you export to Android or Windows then it will have LuaJIT libs
If you export to other platforms it won't work!
Also you can remove the bit libraries if you like as LuaJIT has one built-in that is faster.
Likes: mertocan, MobAmuse, antix
Likes: john26
I'm happy to add this, but I wonder if we should delete one at the same time to stop it getting too much...? Which is the least popular slider and should be removed? I'd appreciate your advice...
The one that doesn't mean much to me is - "Widget library for business apps"
Others might feel differently about this tho, so I guess some sort of vote would be good.
I also think that "Community Events" don't really need to be funded. Personally, if there were more of us in NZ using Gideros (there are 2 of us lol), I would love to organise an event, just to chat to other people using the framework
I think the best way to promote Gideros is for the community to start releasing more games (easier said than done), and make things accessible to people deciding on which engine to use. I think Gideros is already very easy to pickup - I guess we just need more tutorials and prototypes.
I obviously want to contribute towards the general development of Gideros as well. I just think it would be cool to add a little extra, where some fixes, and a bit more time is needed.
I think HTML5 with Gideros has great potential, as it's another avenue to monetise your games, as well as make demos, or free to play versions for your website, in order to drive traffic to your apps.
Likes: simwhi, john26
I donated and voted mostly for better documentation and tutorials. I still feel strongly that these are the most lacking areas of Gideros. There are links that are broken, links to old videos that are irrelevant, etc.
Once I've learned to use the aforementioned "arcane" systems I will be more than happy to write follow along tutorials on how to use them, I just need some basic (yet concise) knowledge first.
Likes: simwhi, Ninjadoodle, talis, john26
Likes: antix, simwhi, Ninjadoodle
Can anyone provide some clear concise instructions on how to get Google flipping Play Services Plug-In working with Android Studio? I'd totally appreciate that.
Note also that animations are now possible without any ENTER_FRAME listener being set up.
This is obviously a very simple example but in real games, coroutines (threads) can make your code much more structured and maintainable compared to the spaghetii code that ENTER_FRAME and GTween/onComplete can create. Basically you can now program a mobile device like you used to program the Commodore 64! That is, you can write code as if you have exclusive access to the CPU. The only thing you need to do is put Core.yield commands in your loops.
Likes: totebo, muro, Apollo14
The underlying technology is coroutines which are simply functions that can be resumed from where they left off (with all local variables intact). Lua supports them natively
But basically it means you can program as if you had full control of the computer, provided you remember to yield every so often. So you can imagine writing a game with this structure (pseudocode)
I'll write some more examples later (and maybe a blog post)