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local key = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" local iv = "0123456789abcdef" local str = Cryptography.aesEncrypt("Hello, world!", key, iv, 1) local str_2 = Cryptography.aesDecrypt(str, key, iv, 1) print(str, str_2) |
Aes 128 works on 16 bytes buffers, so anything you encrypt is internally rounded up to be a multiple of 16 bytes/characters. Your string is 13 chars in length, so gideros adds 3 extra chars as padding.
I thought it was just a min of 16 bytes? The key has to be 16 bytes (32 bytes for AES256, etc) and the init vector for CBC is alway just 16 bytes. I might be wrong though?
(A min of 16 and not 0 because the first 16 bytes ensure you can't figure out the init block?)
You use ciphertext stealing to allow it to work with at least 16 bytes, but after the first 16 you don't need a boundary.
"Ciphertext stealing for CBC mode doesn't necessarily require the plaintext to be longer than one block. In the case where the plaintext is one block long or less, the Initialization vector (IV) can act as the prior block of ciphertext. In this case a modified IV must be sent to the receiver. This may not be possible in situations where the IV can not be freely chosen by the sender when the ciphertext is sent (e.g., when the IV is a derived or pre-established value), and in this case ciphertext stealing for CBC mode can only occur in plaintexts longer than one block."
Likes: SinisterSoft
Also, it would be a good helper to include a CSPRNG to generate IV on the fly or most ideally a helper method that does this and returns a single base64 rendition of IV + ciphertext to promote best practices. HMAC would be icing on the cake to prevent tampering.
Ideally Gideros could provide a proven encryption implementation that developers follow and then you don't run into issues of people making poor encryption choices.
On the other hand, at that point a would-be cracker might just dump the memory to find the key in lua, so there should be a way to store/pass in the key other than an immutable string.
Maybe it can be part of the export process, a global key that is more securely embedded somewhere in the project so LUA isn't even aware of the key?
Basically this AES block was added to allow ciphered communication to servers, in conjunction with UrlLoader. One could argue that HTTPS already add encryption, but HTTPS requires a certificate that many of us can't afford.
I agree that HMAC would be a nice addition, since it can be CPU intensive. As for embedding a key within a non lua accessible storage, it would be bound to source code attack since Gideros is open source, nothing can be hidden after all.
Most likely, any other encryption library the dev uses on the back end will correctly follow the PKCS7 spec, and if it is not implemented correctly in Gideros the devs will run into encryption/decryption issues down the line for payloads that are multiples of 16. This would probably be the best route to go. Regarding HTTPS, you could generate a (free) self signed cert and pin that cert in the code to prevent MITM. A real certificate authority isn't needed, and you would want to pin just your cert anyway rather than trust the list of root CAs on the device by default. Otherwise a cracker with a rooted device could place a fake CA on their device, route through a proxy with a fake cert and easily view all of the transmission from their device to your server in plaintext. Good point about the open source attack. Unfortunately, this is already a problem in Gideros today. The entire project (lua files/images, etc) is encrypted via a key that is stored in a file in the apk. I made a POC program that takes any gideros apk and decrypts (just to confirm the flaw - I would never release this program). Worked for most gideros apps I tested from the app store, since the key is always in the same relative spot.
I assume that will get an overhaul at some point. Open source is tricky, since there is no security through obscurity, but maybe some sort of dynamic code generator that calls an obfuscated chain of methods using math operations (with a spot to add your custom flavor) to build the key instead of hard coding it will at least make brute force searching the key in the apk impossible. Then, this same "hardened" code could be used to embed a key for AES if desired. Maybe that's overkill?
Lastly, I realize I'm being nit-picky and security isn't always the highest priority in feature lists, but I figure i would put in my two cents. I think it's great that someone even thought to add encryption to Gideros in the first place.
The issue with self signed certs is that most OS/underlying system simply disallow self-signed certs and won't give you the opportunity to supply your own CA list. Gideros relies on OS for HTTP/HTTPS, and cannot bypass whatever the OS decided to check, even if you could recognize your own cert.
Regarding pinning, it appears to be very possible in Android and iOS, and generally recommended.
Here is an overview and Android/iOS/openSSL code samples from OWASP, my go-to resource for all things security:
Cheat Sheet:
Technical Guide (code samples in the page)
This is to protect from external MITM, say if your app users are on a public wifi.
An attacker could always root the phone and send made-up messages to a server. The only protection against that to validate input on the server side and use non enumerable ids like a guid instead of an integer for playerID. If someone really wants to hack their "save file" to skip to level 100, they can be my guest.