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My first game Jet Splat is out for iOS! — Gideros Forum

My first game Jet Splat is out for iOS!

Hi guys, finally, after a scary long time, I have finished my first game Jet Splat:


Android version coming soon, plus a new game made in a future update.

Hope you like and thanks to everyone in the Gideros community for there support (I put a Gideros splash screen in as a sort of thank you).


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  • john26john26 Maintainer
    edited March 2016
    Sorry, I missed this earlier. I was in the USA when it came out. I finally installed in on my iPad and it's really great! I love the graphics and interesting level design (especially the moving spike platforms that force you to hurry through the level). It's pretty tough though, maybe some people would get on better if it was a bit easier? I get what you are doing with the effect where the tomota squashes on contact with walls but wonder if it might be better just to have a smaller, solid tomato? I was also thinking maybe the tomato's goggles could be in front of the whole scene rather than behind the walls. It's a bit of a contradiction that the tomato squashes but his solid goggles and jetpack seems to go behind the walls...Overall it looks very polished and professional quality. Rated and reviewed!

    Likes: hgvyas123

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  • billydbbillydb Member
    Hey John, thanks for the feedback and review, really appreciate it. I'm very close to a big update that includes 6 new levels at the start and 7 new game modes to unlock, including things like a zero g space helmet and protection from spikes with a armoured helmets. I got a lot of feedback that it's too hard so been working to make it more accessible before I finally launch on android and attempt to actually find an audience for it :) Also it might well become f2p with ads. Been reluctant to do that but I'd rather have an audience and make nothing than make a little and only have a handful of players.

    Likes: john26

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