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How did you promote your App? — Gideros Forum

How did you promote your App?

Tom2012Tom2012 Guru
edited October 2015 in General questions
It suddenly occurred to me, after years working on my game, that I'd not given one thought to promoting it.

Having browsed apps created in Gideros, they seem to have really good download numbers. Reading google, there's a lot of mixed information on promoting apps (along with a lot of services ready to charge a fee...)

I have worked a lot with Google Adwords in the past, and I'm considering this method as the traffic is such good quality. I've also had success using SEO to promote things online. So that could be a route.

What's your experience with getting the word out there?

Thanks and happy promoting!!


  • john26john26 Maintainer
    edited October 2015
    Well I've not been successful with my (single) game but I here are some tips anyway, mainly gleaned from others. First trying sending it to Youtubers, if they play your app and make a video it can get lots of sales. You can try PewDeePie (sp?) but he's unlikely to respond so maybe try further down the pecking order. If one Youtubers covers it, the others might also notice.

    I've heard alternative Android stores like slideme and getJar are better than Google play so definitely worth doing them. I tried Amazon but had no luck there personally.

    It's worth submitting to Touch Arcade and other major websites. The chance of getting a response is very low, but you might be lucky. Lost Caverns is high quality so it might work. But in any case, you should mention it in the Touch Arcade forums as that is worth a quite a few downloads in itself. You might also get some good feedback. The TA forums are very active, in fact I've not come across another forum with such good visibility. In fact TA forums were pretty much the only source of downloads on iOS for me.

    (I tried announcing on Android Central Forums but this didn't help)

    You could make a press release and contact magazines etc but personally I found this didn't help. Some of the print mags have phone numbers so you can call the editor directly. It's best to do that if possible because they *never* answer emails!

    Probably having a tweet/facebook button in the actual app is also a good idea so people can tell their friends creating an exponential growth hopefully!

    Well, I hope successful people will now give their advice also... I'd like to hear that too!
  • Make a press relase and send it to info@gamespress.com

    The press release should be a Word .doc file and a load of screenshots, make it easy for them - if its any work, eg makeing screenshots, then they won't bother with it. Bundle the whole lot up in a zip.
    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
  • yuliayyuliay Member
    How to promote an app for free according cleveroad.com
    Still and all, the list of things you can do all alone is long. We are going to specify ones, which will bring you the most active users and attention:

    Hunt the product

    It may become one most effective steps on your way because 140 000 people are going to recognize your app! Yes, we are talking about ProductHunt. If you still have no idea what's that, you should definitely google it. In plain English, it's a web-based platform so-called promoter app, (and an IOS app), where you can pitch your new application.
    Why do you need it? Because here the crafty investors are ferreting out fantastic ideas to pump their money into. And even if you don't get yours, lots and lots of common people can test your product, rate it and tell their friends about it.
    ProductHunt is not the only platform of its type there are lots of app promotion sites, you can take your chances on 148Apps, AppReview or AppStoreApps.

    Create a media hype or how to promote an app on social media

    To say that social media can boost your startup is to say nothing! Now, it's a dynamic engine, that must be used and can be used for free.
    When you think how to promote app on Facebook, for example, all you need to do is to create groups and publics there or in any other social site and to post the news connected to your application.
    Watch out! It may seem easy to write news, but only at a first sight. Anyway, if topic and comment aren't your friends you have to read at least some articles and hacks about copywriting and how to make your text interesting, engaging and fun. If your reports aren't read, if they are tiresome and dull, no one wants to download your app either.

    A small research on the events that are even distantly related to the topic of your application can give you a head start. Visit as many meetings as you can. How to advertise an app there? Tell people about an outstanding product of yours, which is going to be published soon.
    The other possible way of participation is to assign for a competition. For example, if you are a U.S. company, you can compete for a cash prize on Mobileys.

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  • 1. Create FaceBook page for your app. You can ask your friends to like your page and recommend your page to their friends. You can also join in some facebook gruops that disscuss topics related to your app and properly share your app download link.

    2. Consider Alterative App Stores. Do not rely only on Google Play & App Store; there are various other app stores on the online market where you can upload your app. Find some other app stores that can bring targeted traffics to your app.

    3. Exchange app installs with other developers. Nowadays, more and more developers join in the developer community that exchange app installx. In this way, you will get users for free.
    You could read about mobile app development in the Artjoker blog.
  • The best marketing idea when promoting your app is basically making your app attractive to users. You can improve UI/UX, reward users for using the app (in-app achievements and so), and personalize your app (see how Spotifiy and co do that - people are eager to use the app, cause the app is as if built for them personally).
    Good luck!
    Digital marketer at Yalantis
  • KevinSmith5KevinSmith5 Member
    edited September 2021
    When I was promoting my application, at first I talked with an SEO consultant and tried to do something myself. But unfortunately, I didn’t achieve anything and turned to a marketing agency.The advanced world is quickly creating and turning out to be more complicated. The errands that product organizations manage become more troublesome from one year to another. Exceptional information and abilities in IT are needed to tackle them. In addition, the primary trouble lies in the way that you need to have a wide assortment of individual engineer's characteristics, information, and abilities to play out a specific undertaking. When in doubt, one organization can not satisfy every one of the vital capacities autonomously and once in a while it needs a group augmentation. In such manner, the issue of making powerful programming advancement groups that could settle an assortment of undertakings as far as quality and intricacy turned out to be exceptionally pressing. Many organizations attempting to discover an answer abroad. Among objections that can offer programming improvement administrations, Cyprus doesn't involve an unmistakable spot yet Cyprus designer is able to do a lot. However, are there any options in contrast to engineer Cyprus? As it is a fairly troublesome undertaking to make an outcome arranged group, the best arrangement will be to appoint the assignment to the rethinking organization, one of which is Mobilunity, IT staffing Ukrainian firm. Consider the following elements of participation and you will have no waverings concerning what to do next.It is likewise important to specify that Mobilunity can give you a committed group of engineers who have some expertise in such current advances as PHP, .Net, Java, Angular, Laravel, Magento, and numerous others as per the points of interest of your project.Answering an inquiry in case it is truly useful to recruit designers in Cyprus, above all else, we should think about the normal pay rates of Ukrainian and Cyprus designers for enlist. A normal engineer pay in Cyprus is $3,000, while this pay in Ukraine is near $2400 per month.Cyprus committed group can be recruited in such urban areas as Nikosia, Pafos, Larnaka and Limassol. We will find what amount does it cost to recruit designers in Nicosia contrasted with Kyiv concurring with the abilities of developers.Where to discover and enlist engineers in Cyprus or in Ukraine? Engineers Cyprus, Nicosia are acceptable variation yet it is feasible to reason that employing a committed group in Ukraine isn't just more gainful from the monetary side, yet you likewise will get all the previously mentioned benefits of rethinking with Mobilunity.
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