Hi everyone just curious here. Couple of relax questions and learn the habits of great programmers and designers ;D
1-what is your working environment looks like?
2-Which Hardware are you using, computer, mouse, keyboard. (OK this is a long list if you wish without test devices

, main code writing hardware )
3-Any tips or software you want to share is always welcome.
Here is my answers and working environment picture.
-Acer notebook, with a 3M raiser for neck problems.
16 gb ram, I7 3630QM 2.40 ghz CPU
128 gb SSD +1 TB HD
-Logitech M570 Trackball as mouse - Wrist problems , i totally recommend who has chronic hand and wrist pain because of working on a computer.
- Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Split 4000 Keyboard
Basically I work as I go and I'm quite mobile
- AMD 8GB RAM with Ubuntu 14.04
- Macbook Pro 13' 8 GB RAM.
- Samsung 22'' as monitor.
- Tablet and mobile Android for testing.
2) Windows 8.1 Phone: Lumia 520
3) 1 x USB cable
Also an iPad Mini if I can wrestle it off my kids!
Likes: john26
Agony brings success 8-X
Likes: john26
1) Acer laptop with an Intel i7 and 8GB of RAM
2) A Samsung LCD monitor (2nd screen)
3) Mac Mini (2015 model)
4) Tablets and phones: iPhone 4, iPad, iPad mini, Nexus 7, LG, Sony, HTC EVO and a Lenovo (not all mine though)
Likes: john26
I made the cardboard laptop stand myself and it is really fantastic to not be hunched over while working all the damn time. I would recommend them to everyone.
Likes: talis
There is 1 movie theatre which has 3D as well. It is strange but there are actually quite a few world premier movie showings here. There is 1 hospital with about 10 little clinics scattered around the island (pretty much a nurse/doctor in a hall type clinics).
Everything here is quite expensive because it all has to be imported. The main company here is the CITC (Cook Islands Trading Company). they have the 2 biggest grocery stores and the only hardware store on the island. they supply most of the local stores, or which there are many around the outer road.
There are heaps of bars since the economy is tourist driven. Some are good, but a lot are really seedy looking. there are tons of places to eat but not many really good ones.
There are loads of resorts and small accomodation for tourists. We opted to rent a fully furnished house which works out great since the rent we are getting from our home in New Zealand pays for our rent here. We are living on our savings for groceries, going out, etc.
We have been here for a bit over 2 months now and I'm just starting to get into programming (so lazy)
Thats probably more information than you wanted but there you go
If anyone read this far and wants to waste some more time, here is a link to a quick page we made with our photos sofar.. http://antix.net.nz/raro
The weather etc is really not condusive to programming though :-))
Likes: talis
Likes: antix