I was chatting with Nico, John, Arturs and wondered about the need for clearing the backbuffer - if you game used a non-transparent tilemap or has an image covering the background - as not clearing it would give a speed boost and could even be used to add some nice special effects...
Anyhow Nico found an undocumented command!!!
This will stop the back buffer from clearing, true will turn it back on again. There is a corresponding getClearColorBuffer() too.
Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
may setClip() - which i haven't had the time to test yet - be used to draw only the "needed" (on screen) portion of stage? or this is already managed by gideros?
At this time I am checking at any screen movement if there are things I can hide outside screen boundaries, but setClip could change things a lot: do you know anything about its performance?
thank you
If things must be hidden, better not insert them in stage at all until they should actually be visible.
Up to 2014.10, I noticed that i had a speed improvement if I hid some kind of objects instead of keeping them as they were.
If you say that glScissor is already applied to screen boundaries maybe I am wasting resources
It can be reproduced though using a render target and drawing that on the screen and still turning the clearcolorbuffer off to get the boost.