Hi, is there a simple way to make a sprite movieClip loop a predefined number of times? I've searched the forums, and tried nested ifs with event listeners, for loops etc but with no luck. I'm at a basic programmer skill level, so bare with me... ;;)
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Likes: saeys
Which maybe raises a question a bit above all - my movieclips is played (one time, of course) as soon as they are added to stage, with no play() (or gotoAndPlay() etc) method in the code. Is that normal? :-/ I thought movieclips wouldn't play until play() or similar are called.
It works really well, I am personally very happy about it: animations can cast events, set number of loops or infinte play and some more
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Likes: saeys
Still, I'm curious - shouldn't a movieclip be playing only _after_ a play() method is called?
I did'nt test the code there can be small errors. The frameStepCounter is to delay your animation. Otherwise every 1/60 of a second a new image will be shown.
I forgot to add this:
if (frameStepCounter == 20) then
frameStepCounter = 0
One thing that I don't seem able to control using TNT is how long a specific bitmap is shown (in a uncomplicated manner anyway?), which is cruical for my project. It includes lipsync of a quite large bitmap (over 700x700px). Several bitmaps/pngs are to be used in different animations, so unfortunately I think texturepacks is ruled out as well...
TNT animator keeps track of that and allows you to have the same animation timing on any device/any project at any given framerate.
If you need a bitmap to stay longer, you can just clone it in tnt animator studio (as frame1, frame2,frame2, frame2, frame3...), it'won't be heavier since the texture is already loaded.
If I may, I think that using 700x700 frames is going to be really heavy, maybe in that situation it's better to embed videos with media plugin.
If your goal is just ipsync I think it could be worth to approach it differently: instead of animating a whole face with a backgroud and other static details on a big image you could "cut" your image and animate just what you need (mouth, eyes, hair) on a static background. Think about mouths in South Park or environment in old WB cartoons as an example.
If you have many things to lipsync you could also think about writing a library to play animations reading a string -at first it won't be easy - but it should be worth the effort from the second lipsync you will have to animate.
You could also take a look at
It's not ready for gideros and I didn't try it yet, but as I understood it can export a dat file including timecode and frames. If you can manage to read it in gideros your job would be a lot easier.
About texturepacks, you should understand the best way to use them in your project: from what I know they are much faster to load than switching images. You should use them also if you are going on with movieclip
It's not an ordinary lipsync project - my character's mouth is about as big as the rest of his body, and that's the point... :> He's not gonna talk that much each time either (which is, strange as it sounds, also the point).
As to the size - I've already tried to cut the pngs into parts to see how much kb can be reduced and concluded that, at least in this case, I get away with least image kb if I keep the character in one piece.
I'm on to your tip about writing a animation library to ease thing up from the second lipsync. :-)
Thanks anyway to you all for your answers, and the whole gideros forum in all, it's a great help! =D> I'll be back..