I use a lot of json files in my game to quickly add data, variables and dialogues.
Do you know of any editor that I could use to compile those faster than Notepad+or
http://tomeko.net/software/JSONedit/ and CTRL+C/CTRL+V?
My dream is a windows desktop based environment (offline), that can provide an entry form based on a custom schema to add only "expected" values to my file, in order to limit human error while inserting new values.
I took a look around on the internet but I can't find what I am looking for.
Thank you
Do you have something in mind?
Thank you
Copy json content and it will transport it to an excel table. Work in excel environment , and when your job finished just vice verse.
I have nested tables, which is something that "usual" json converter doesn't handle very well, that was the reason I was looking for a "gui" to do this manually in a defined schema.
For an example see attached screenshot:
This is just one of potentially many quests: i can see no way to write it down as a spreadsheet
I think I could work either in XML or another file format, but I need it to be exported in the end as the example (or I need to rewrite a lot of things.. )
thank you
By "big" template I mean file that has (almost?) maximum number of everything, e.g. 100 of quests with 10 waypoints for each and with all or at least most popular reward items for every waypoint. Then for quick navigation use "Expand all" function on quest or waypoint and delete not needed elements - that would most likely require just Delete key and down arrow, so I think it may be hard to beat even with custom editor. If there are many more array elements than needed - use "Delete all siblings after node" from context menu.
Some specific easy to find text(s) used as default may be handy to be able to check for any not filled text fields after editing.
Things are made more difficult by the sorting order in "node view":
for example, after node 1 come nodes 10, 11, 12 and so on
or other times I have objects/arrays mixed up with "flat values" (because of the alphabetical ordering) making difficult to quickfind an entry.
However, if you are the developer of this editor you will be happy to know that it is the best json editor I found out there (and I searched a lot) thank you
I suppose I will have to clean those 0 out manually before saving, or add a piece of code in app to fix them when loaded.
thank you for your interest though
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