Hey guys, I'm just looking the best level editor to use with Gideros. I just need something to quickly put together grid based layouts made up of 16px sprite lines and import into Gideros for use. I see there is the SVG Level Builder which is paid, and the the option of using Tiled for a map editor. Anyone wanna chime in on what you use for level editing with Gideros, pros/cons ?
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Good luck!
My opinion is similar to @pie, although some games can need another sort of levels editor (like puzzles, cards, runners and so on) I think it all depends on what you want to do
Also there is "Gideros SVG Level Builder" (It's not free)
@kezzegh's opinion sounds like fine, but I don't as used it on Gideros.
[-] Liasoft
What you call collision boxes are just "objects" with customizable properties (right click on each one and you can edit its properties - in latest tiled release, property window is docked on the right ).
If I am not wrong, It's tiledasworldeditor that makes collision boxes from them.
You can export your tilemap as lua from the tiled File menu and use gideros tilemap class (or isometrictilemap) to load it into gideros. Read the exported lua map to check "where" your custom properties are stored, and how.
You can also set properties for any tile of your tileset (cell layer in tiled) if you need multiple instances with the same exact values.
I hope I'll have some time tomorrow to put together and post an example if you need it (don't have my laptop right now).
Have a nice day!
You can check this link:
"Tiled example with tile layer, object layer and box2d collisions"
[-] Liasoft
How to retrieve tile layers and object properties from a tile map made with tiled in gideros lua.
Based on sewers tilemap example included with gideros installation.