Hi folks
I'm glad, I managed to put my first app in the App Store
This is a mix between paintball (I love it) and the classic video game pong
It has "game center" (Leaderboard) and also "facebook framework" so you can post your score in your wall.
---------------------------------------EDIT: May 15, 2017---------------------------------------Here I leave the promotional video 2

Paint pong is "free"
In this version, It has Achievements and some improved in the effects, also I implemented a system of rewards when you post in facebook.
You can download it here (Google Play Store):
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bsb.Paintpongor Scan QR

Have a good day

Any special tricks?
thanks for your words
I basically worked with the z axis using scale
To do this I had define the physical or boundaries of the room, for that I needed define the dimensions of the front wall, the back wall and the depth.
After all the work of the three dimensions lies in these lines of code
Last but not least important, I worked in the shadows of arts (this is my free art) to give the impression of 3D.
I launched "Paint pong" for earn some experience in the approval process my applications in the App Store and Xcode too. Still I am working very hard in my project Bow Sailboat, because I need improve my code for than it works more fast on iPhone and iPad (Gideros Player is like Superman so in it is moving nice).
I hope than it can be launch soon.
@ar2rsawseen and @john26 grateful if you could guide me on this issue I consulted
Software Improve - What kind of skills do you need?
Likes: talis
[-] Liasoft
Likes: HubertRonald
Thanks for your words dear @zoolax
[-] Liasoft
[-] Liasoft
I would be happy, if in my app credits I can include Particles System "Powered by Gideros"
Likes: antix
[-] Liasoft
I found that the HUD top left were obscuring the gameplay. Maybe consider removing it during gameplay (unless the player needs it for some reason?). I also found that having to touch the paddle to move it is hard, because you end up obscuring the ball with your finger. I'd allow the player to move the paddle by dragging anywhere on the screen, in fact it I think it should be encouraged.
Good job!
With respect to your second review The idea was to have a Poka-yoke system
So (maybe my english is not as good) but the app question:
Are you sure you don't want... ?
[No (I want my Extra Life)]
[Yes (I'm Sure... I don't want Extra Life)]
Maybe I should point it out like this on the button Or maybe later add more languages Or I should use the word "Cancel" better
@totebo thanks for test is it
[-] Liasoft
[-] Liasoft
Likes: HubertRonald