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Gamekit closed event — Gideros Forum

Gamekit closed event

totebototebo Member
edited April 2014 in Plugins
I'm using Magnusviri's excellent post for the Gamekit plugin here:


When the player chooses to show the leaderboards that sometimes takes a long while, so I'd like to show them a "loading leaderboard" message. However, I don't know when the player comes back from the leaderboards, so I can't remove the loading message. Is that part of the API, or is there another way of knowing what the Gamekit is up to? I suppose what I'm looking for is a "showLeaderboardComplete" event.



My Gideros games: www.totebo.com


  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @totebo really?
    because when I click on button to display gamecenter window, it pops up momentarily and displays loading circle inside window while it loads data.

    Maybe you are trying to display it before authentication was completed?

    Either way, I don't think that even internally there is such event, but maybe I'm mistaken.

    But what you can try, is to check if GameCenter is raising any of the application life cycle events, as Event.APPLICATION_BACKGROUND or Event.APPLICATION_SUSPEND and then use it to determine if the window was loaded
  • when I click on button to display gamecenter window, it pops up momentarily and displays loading circle inside window while it loads data.
    That's interesting - I don't see the loading circle. It's as if nothing has happened at all, for up to five seconds before the Gamekit stuff kicks in and immediately shows the leaderboards or awards. Maybe there is a setting in XCode I'm missing?


    My Gideros games: www.totebo.com
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @totebo yes you are right, I've checked on the old phone as iPhone3gs and it behaves the same.
    The pop up and loading is on iPad :)

    So does the app life cycle events work?
  • totebototebo Member
    edited April 2014
    Will try the life cycle events in a bit. Tackling some higher hanging fruit first. :) Thanks for your help!
    My Gideros games: www.totebo.com
  • totebototebo Member
    I finally got round to testing this. :) Regrettably this doesn't work (iPad 2, iOS 7.1). Event.APPLICATION_SUSPEND and Event.APPLICATION_RESUME don't fire when the leaderboards show and close.

    My Gideros games: www.totebo.com
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