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Results returned when using getDeviceWidth and getDeviceHeight on Androids — Gideros Forum

Results returned when using getDeviceWidth and getDeviceHeight on Androids

OZAppsOZApps Guru
edited March 2014 in General questions
I do not work much with Androids, but have to cater for Androids on and off. As far as I recollect with the Kindle Fire, though the resolution was 1024x600, part of the screen is covered with a system buttonBar that houses the buttons.

So my question is for those that work with various Android devices, on iOS getting the DeviceHeight and Width and subtracting the toolbarHeight would give the usable size of the screen. With Androids, does Gideros return the usable size of the actual size advertised?

I have some resizing code and want to make sure that if it checks for 1024x600 and the device returns 1024x560 then the code will fail. So any feedback on this??
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Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
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