I'm trying to use TNT Particles Engine with RenderTarget to create one fire and show it in different places. I need render to texture feature because if I create many particle emitters then it lags.
Problem is in RenderTarget:clear() function. It seems it works wrong. Let me show you an example:
This is original sprite where particles engine render it's emitter:
http://giderosmobile.com/forum/utility/thumbnail/FileUpload/34/50546b11be2cc5657ab6215b1373d2.pngWhen I create texture from this sprite and use RenderTarget:clear(0xffffff, 0) function and then use this texture and create bitmap I get this:
http://giderosmobile.com/forum/utility/thumbnail/FileUpload/d6/bb2e8e0e346679711f0f98253f7ccf.pngThat looks weird, because I use alpha 0 and get totally opaque bitmap.
If I use blue color I get this:
http://giderosmobile.com/forum/utility/thumbnail/FileUpload/a6/36a151b8f543668f66a1814393a5db.pngFinally if I use black color (RenderTarget.clear(0x000000, 0) I get this:
http://giderosmobile.com/forum/utility/thumbnail/FileUpload/54/2463883ab3a5f7e8ffceaa72ce8f51.pngSimilar to original but not the same.
Please confirm. Similar post was here:
either way adding it to our internal tracking, for Atilim to look, when he gets back
Any updates?
Seems just transparent pixels are black for a some reason..
Maybe make a feature {transparentColor = 0x000000} for a RenderTarget?