Hi guys,
My game Puzzle Wars now live on Google Play, would you please check it out and give some reviews? In this game I put many efforts but the download result and quality was not good at all. Maybe because of my bad game design. Anyway, it almost looks like what I want it to be.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ultimategamestudio.puzzlewarsHOW TO PLAY:
- In Puzzle Wars, your army will consist of 7 kind of soldiers:
1. Citizen
2. Legionnaire
3. Praetorian
4. Imperian
5. Equites Imperiatoris
6. Equites Ceasaris
7. Legatus
- Every turn you can place one of your men on the battlefield, match 3 soldiers of the same level will form a stronger soldier.
- Your camp base can be used to reserve one turn.
- Be careful of enemy archer and catapult.
- The true emperor cannot live without gold, fulfill the royal treasure so you can summon soldiers whenever you need.
You must play wise and smart to build up your fearless legion and lead your people to the peaceful empire, forever

Thank you for reading, iOS version will be available in the next 2 weeks, so stay tuned.
On mu nexus 7 buttons are cutted (especially "call to arms"), same for your previous game "diamond mine".
Why "Total War" on play store and "Puzzle war" in the game?
https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Arcadia Solutions
2.Could you please send me a screenshot on Nexus 7, I haven't tested on it.
3.I can't find my game with "Puzzle Wars", even if I put exactly full name on search panel. So I try to test other keywords. This is also an important experience to me !!!
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Ultimate Games on Google Play
Maybe it's me but I don't see the screenshots and the link? let me see!
I mean the name in the play store is "Total War" (italian store) but in the game the name is "Puzzle War".
This is the screenshot
https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Arcadia Solutions
I could test
Likes: phongtt
https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Arcadia Solutions
@hgvyas: please update my new link.
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