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Monday motivation - What are you going to achieve this week? — Gideros Forum

Monday motivation - What are you going to achieve this week?

MellsMells Guru
edited November 2013 in Relax cafe
Hi all,

just a quick word to wish you all an amazing week.
I don't know if this forum needs that kind of off topic discussions, but I felt a big rush of motivation and thought that would be great to share it with you.

So what are you going to achieve this week? Whether it's related to apps, or not.
Ok I'll start.
- This week I'm going to reach 60 days of cold shower "therapy", that was a goal of mine (for some reasons) and I have used the Seinfeld productivity method (aka "Don't break the chain") to do it
- I'm going to release an alpha of my next app to testers. This is the first time under my own name and it's a personal achievement knowing that I have been navigating between tons of app projects and never managed to **ship**.
- I'll cross the bar of 13900 pushups since jan 1st 2013
- I'll meet a top entrepreneur that I have been willing to contact for years. The hardest thing was to push the "Send mail" button.

Ok, what about you?
What will you achieve this week?
(I'm curious to see if that kind of discussion interest people and gets some traction, or will stay quiet until I actually kill it :)

twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps


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