when the file is excluded from [edit]execution[/] in my project, it's not possible to jump to the error's line by clicking in the console.
[ Cannot read file
(...) : file to open is a directory ] |
What I do is click on the file in the sidebar and search for the line number, but that defeats the purpose.
Having that feature available (like it is for files that are not excluded from the project) would be great.
Just asking if that is something possible?
As in, not added to Gideros Studio?
Sorry, "excluded from execution".
Something bad happens with my browser please delete my topics
This user is a spambot.
[Important, security alert] cc @ar2rsawseen
Also what happened to the title of my discussion? It has been changed to "Mells" and it's not my edit (why would I create a discussion with my name? for legacy?
I let the "Mells" title so the issue is visible and will revert to the original title later.
I have also reverted the title of the discussion, ready to accept any information about my original question.