Just finished my first game "GidHelix" (made with Gideros)
i started it like and exercise to learn lua and gideros and...... here is it a little simple game...
hope you like it...

next day i'll publish it in the android market for free... (sorry no ios active account... if someone want publish form me just let me know...) think at this like a "private beta" ....

Video Link:

this is the download link for android and ios (google code, select download):
http://code.google.com/p/gidhelix/ps: i'm really interested to know how it work on really slow or old devices (i think that the phisycs behaves erratically)
and what do you think...
sources release in some days... (i really really need to clean and make it more elegant....)

PS: video and Google download are uploading now... (slow connection today)
if link to not works wait a little bit...
Ciao Ciao
You probably just need to work out what accelerometer settings to monitor depending on the default orientation of the device.
@Dud It seems Gideros should handle this automatically. I've added this as a bug report. Thank you for the feedback.
@atilim at least my game served to find a bug!
in the project properties is setted for portrait mode
and even in the source (i think is not necessary but...) was setted
hope to test monday on asus eeePad TF101 (i had one in my shop).
Atilim the almighty will take care of this
leave to atilim all the time he needs. (i know he's very busy this days).
Just tested on asus eeepad tf101
And there is the same problem noticied by Dud with his Motorola Xoom.
it works fine on my phone but on my tablet (galaxy tab 10.1) there're 2 problems besides above
if i keep my tablet in landscape mode, then open game, it show a black screen then close immediately. I think you should lock orientation to advoid this
the second, sometimes the menu has loaded, all graphics and animation run smooth, but touch event is not responding then i got an ANR dialog.
For the first problem it'll solved with next Update of Gideros sdk
For the second i don't know... I'll investigate...
For the second problem, I'm touching the screen again and again (galaxy tab 10.1) but couldn't get an ANR dialog. Is there a specific pattern resulting this issue?
can't reproduce the menu problem... :-?
what version of system do you have ? :-?
yes i'll release the source i think tomorrow... (no time now today is a loooong day at work!)
Likes: strancali
Thank you! :-O