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Crashlytics integration with Gideros app — Gideros Forum

Crashlytics integration with Gideros app

lvkdevlvkdev Member
edited August 2013 in Plugins
I have been following the Bowerhaus tutorial on Crashlytics integration with Gideros (http://www.bowerhaus.eu/blog/files/luacrashlogging.html).

During my testing, I found that crash reports are not being sent to Crashlytics in case the exception happened inside a GTween complete event handler, such as this:

function onMouseDown()
breadcrumb("The user tapped the screen")
tween = GTween.new(info, 1, {y = 550}, {delay=0, easing=easing.linear, dispatchEvents = true})
tween:addEventListener("complete", function()
breadcrumb("tween completed")
unknownFunction() --this does not generate a crash report

function onMouseDown()
breadcrumb("The user tapped the screen")
unknownFunction() -- this generates a crash report as expected.

Is there any special handling needed for such types of exceptions - either in the Gideros code or in the iOS plugin? Or could this be an issue with Crashlytics?
Any help is much appreciated.


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