Hi guys,
Sorry for this newbie question.
I try so hard reading the docs and readme files for notification. But still don't understand how to setup a push notification on my app. I'm trying to add parse.com push notification service into my app. My goal is simple, I need to inform the users when a new version application is available. Thats all, no ads or anything. I need this because I don't distribute the APK through google play store, rather from my own website. My app is a companion app for a physical book product. The app it self is free to download.
I still don't get the concept but I believe I don't need local notification feature. Just a push notification from parse.com (CMIIW)
So these are my questions:
1. Is it enough just to use parse SDK (from parse.com) to exported gideros project in eclipse, I'm following this link from parse.com :
https://www.parse.com/tutorials/android-push-notifications . Or should I still need to also install notification plugin from gideros labs?
2. If I do still need to install notification plugin. where should I setup information to link to parse.com?
2) Or try using Native bridge to access Native Parse lib
4) Or try using Notification Plugin (same as in the labs): https://github.com/ar2rsawseen/GiderosNotificationPlugin
And when retrieving device token:
Common uses: Registering for push notifications
Register this token to Parse:
currently I don't know if thats possible because Parse had a very different API when Notification Plugin was created and it accepted outside Parse SDK device registrations. Hopefully they still do
But you can always contact them to make sure that it is possible to use Parse to push notifications and register device from native without Parse SDK.
yes I try to implement directly on eclipse using the tutorial from parse. Without your notification plugin, but not working. No push mesages goes to my smartphone.
What is the easiest and proven to work push notification service available for gideros right now?
I will try it later today and see if thats possible
To simply push notifications, without any interaction with the app, you don't even need a plugin, you can use Parse SDK.
I've attached the modified Android project so you can check what was wrong, but my guess is that you need to enable Client Push inside the settings in your parse account:
You help me so much. 3 times already
I will try this now
My fault was not changing the "yourActivity.class" to my own activityName
My bad. Your examples clears everything.
Thank you arthur
Likes: ar2rsawseen
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