It's taken a while but my new word association game is now available on the App Store. It's an iOS game that's free to play and similar in some ways to other popular titles like 4 Pics 1 Word.

The game was originally started as an an experiment to see how quickly something built in Gideros could be designed from start to finish. The main (easy) game was working in 2 days and the harder game was working after one week. I'd hoped to get the whole thing out in only three weeks. Unfortunately (from the point of view of this experiment at least) the rest of the development (social integration, collection of picture resources, website etc) has taken the total time up to around 10 weeks. Let's see if it has all been worth it!
If you can, please give it a try and spread the word.
http://wafga.meApp Store:
Click HereBest regards
PS: For those of you (
@MikeHart , perhaps) who may be wondering what has happened to my other game in development, "Spin Off Racer", I've temporarily postponed this release while I go through some tweaks with the gameplay.
One question: are you using Parse for this game?
print("Kongoratz :-bd ")
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
So for the first version I thought I'd dispense with Push and set up my own server to do this at some point in the future. Instead I have my own "Pull" notifications built in, which (when turned on) will bring up some rather neat HTML5 animated interstitials pulled from the game website.
The technologies in use are:
1) BhWax
2) iOS 5+ Facebook and Twitter posting. I tried the Facebook Api but it was more trouble than it was worth frankly. I'd say that I wasted more time on FB integration than any other single aspect of the development.
3) Flurry. This is used for analytics and "real" crash reporting (I have dispensed with Crashlytics because I didn't much care for their website interface). Lua crash logging is now done using Flurry events that attach a Lua stack trace. This is useful because I've already had a few crashes and have got back a good stack trace, eg:
5) I used a monthly plan to download the 600 royalty free images used in the game. I had to build in some encryption (using an Objctive C library called from Wax) to avoid having the images easily extra table from the game bundle.
That's all I can think of right now.
Best regards
Likes: phongtt, Mells
6) ChartBoost ( for 3rd party interstitial ads. These only shown every third game.
Best regards
Likes: phongtt
(P.S. I recognised your "(((boing)))" as soon as the Twitter logo moved. Very nice!)
Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour.
She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour.
She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
Congratulations, and nice effort on the design side
best regards
The other good thing is that most of the work is now done up in Lua. One still needs a plugin to install the logging of console messages to a file but that's now all it does. On app start it checks to see if the stdout file has a stack dump in it (which means it crashed last time) and then logs this as a normal Flurry event. Then the file is cleared down. This is pretty much the same as the way the other crash loggers work - they all have to send the crash info the next time the app is started.
Flurry has recently introduced a mechanism (in beta at present) for handling real crashes (i.e. one where something happens outside of Lua) so I can use this for that side of things too.
I think I can feel a blog post about this coming on.
best regards
Likes: phongtt
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
Has anyone else noticed anything like this in their projects?
best regards
I have this in all my projects. Annoying for me, but users doesn't moan about this.
@OZApps Can you give me any hints to produce it? Also your screenshot is 640 x 960 which is not iPhone 5. :-/
Note the artifacts with the Play Nice button and most of the buttons at the bottom of the screen.
best regards
I know these kinds of artifacts happen when the sprite is exactly placed at [some integer] + 0.5. maybe even adding a small amount (e.g. 0.01) to your coordinates can solve the problem.
Are images positioned in full pixels, or there may be half pixel positions (like it happened with texts before)
Yes, all of the buttons are PNG files. They are compiled into a texture sheet using TexturePacker and the PNG files from that look fine. E-mail me if you'd like a copy of any of the files.
best regards
Can I just subtract 0.001 from all coordinates to achieve the same effect?
best regards
Likes: krisis